GIA Blog

Posted on by Tommer

Grantmakers in the Arts sessions at the Americans for the Arts Convention keep popping up here and there online: Read More on Seattlest Read More on Createquity Read more on Barry’s Blog at WESTAF

Posted on by Tommer

A new report released by TDC of Boston underscores the need for Philadelphia’s arts and culture groups, service organizations, and funders to address capitalization needs within the nonprofit sector. The William Penn Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts commissioned the … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

This paper—written by Robert Austin of the Harvard Business School along with Lee Devin of Swarthmore College—examines the apparent conflict between artistic and commercial objectives within creative companies, taking as a point-of-departure a particularly energetic debate during a symposium at … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Charitable funds are private, not public, and the relationship between philanthropy and government should remain limited, a new report says. Based on an analysis of legal precedents, the report dismisses as “not well grounded” claims that charitable funds are “public … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

On Thursday May 21st, 2009, the University of California Press in association with CORE: and Ovation TV hosted a panel discussion to consider the issues documented in Bill Ivey’s book, Arts Inc. Gaynor Stachan-Chun, Senior Vice President of Marketing at … Continue reading

Posted on by Janet

Having served on the board of directors of Americans for the Arts during the 90s, I looked forward to seeing many friends and colleagues in Seattle. I was not disappointed. The arts community came to the glorious northwest in solid numbers to debate, share, learn and drink a little Seattle coffee. They came from all corners of the arts world – from private foundations to local and state arts agencies, from community activists to politically savvy advocacy leaders. There were artists and directors of theatres, dance companies, and consultants.

Posted on by Tommer

Over at The Artful Manager, Andrew Taylor discusses two recent cases where regional organization’s boards have dismissed artistic directors in efforts to cut expenses and ensure survival of the organization. Read More

Posted on by Tommer

Only months after the arrest of Shepard Fairey, the Obama “Hope” poster artist who’s battling the Associated Press over copyright issues, another guerilla artist is facing charges – this time for creating a hitchhiking “monster” out of stolen orange traffic … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Enduring Vision Award Winner Kevin Locke. (Photo courtesy of Ixtlan Artists Group) The Bush Foundation on Monday announced $1 million in awards to individual artists in the region, including three $100,000 recipients of its Enduring Vision Award, designed to propel … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

The James Irvine Foundation will award $3.35 this year in the form of innovation grants, which CEO James Canales characterizes as “risk capital” to spur a strategic rethinking of the way these organizations deliver art. The grants grew out of … Continue reading