GIA Blog

Posted on by Tommer

New data out today from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, may make America’s arts instructors kind of blue: In the past decade or so, middle-schoolers have made little progress in how much they … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

The Low-profit Limited Liability Company (or L3C), is intended for companies that put their missions before profits. The structure lets them qualify for “program-related investments” from foundations—loans or investments that further a foundation’s goals and also may yield financial returns. … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Two separate national surveys gauging youth and adult participation in the arts reported yesterday that visits to art museums are declining. A study of nearly 4,000 eighth-grade students, part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, found dwindling field trips … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Nonprofit received the 2008 ArtsTech Award from Carnegie Mellon University in recognition of product donations enabling the Arts to save over $100 million in expenses to date. is a 501(c)3 making software donations to nonprofits from 35 major … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

In today’s economy, it’s increasingly difficult to elicit donations for charitable causes – but new research from Dr. Anat Bracha of the Eitan Berglas School of Economics at Tel Aviv University can provide fundraising organizations with a potent tool. A … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

From the New York Times Support for the arts, in their view, is not simply a matter of cultural philanthropy, it’s also a smart and necessary way to sustain a vibrant urban environment, to keep any city from becoming a … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Read all about it!

Posted on by Tommer

On May 12th, more than 60 artists and creative organizers engaged in civic participation, community development, education, social justice activism, and philanthropy came together for a White House briefing on Art, Community, Social Justice, National Recovery. This meeting combined the … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

The House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior has approved a bill that sets the annual budgets for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities at $170 million each for the 2010 fiscal year. The … Continue reading

Posted on by Janet

About six years ago, Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) opened its membership to public agencies and became the only national association for all organizational grantmakers in the arts. The “big tent” analogy is a good one. Our members include private and community foundations, corporate funders, national, state and local government arts agencies and any nonprofit organization that supports artists and arts organizations through a grant process.