Special Series
In addition to our online learning programs, Grantmakers in the Arts presents special programs important to arts and cultural funding related to emerging or urgent funding focus areas. These special series often take an intersectional approach to unpacking complex ideas, questions, and strategies and are presented in multiple formats, from webinars and podcasts to blog posts and Twitter chats. Special series feature interviews with artists and organizers in the cultural community, the field of arts funding, and beyond that, in and adjacent to social justice philanthropy.
Move the Money: Solidarity Economy Discussion Series
How can arts & culture grantmaking engage in systems-change work that addresses root causes rather than symptoms of inequity? Grantmakers can play a role in the transformation of the sector by following the lead of BIPOC creatives who are innovating models for self-determination and community wealth. The Move the Money Discussion Series is an opportunity for funders, artists, and movement organizers to share practices, programs, and case studies that make tangible the principles laid out in the GIA-commissioned report, Solidarity Not Charity: Arts & Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy, by Natalia Linares & Caroline Woolard from Art.Coop.
Re-visit past discussions and learn more here
Future of the Field: Cross-Sector Creative Placemaking

Grantmakers in the Arts, in partnership with ArtPlace America, presents this page as a living resource of dialogue, debate, and ideas to continue to engage the conversation of the future of arts and creative placemaking. Contributors – artists, community development practitioners, public and private funders, and researchers – offer refelctions, provocations, and conversation starters for future arts and community development research and practice. We hope they leave you inspired and with many questions to continue the work of creative placemaking, place-keeping, and arts-centered community strengthening in the future.
COVID-19 Series
As the coronavirus continues to spread and its impacts change our daily lives, Grantmakers in the Arts has provided and compiled resources to support arts and culture funders as we navigate recovery and response. From webinars and podcasts to zoom calls and calls to action, responses from GIA, our members, and our fellow PSOs aim to provide guidance during this time.
Racial Equity Podcast Series
GIA is a community of practice with a shared vision of investing in arts and culture as a strategy for social change. Since 2008, GIA has been elevating racial equity as a critical issue affecting the field. To actualize this work within the sector, GIA published its Racial Equity in Arts Funding Statement of Purpose in 2015 and the journey has reaffirmed the many intersections at play as we leverage our dollars for the deepest impact.
As a part of our continued efforts, we are glad to introduce the Grantmakers in the Arts Racial Equity Podcast Series. In this series, we will discuss racial justice and racial equity with funders, lawyers, artists, arts administrators, and other key players in the funding ecosystem speaking about mentorship, immigration, criminal justice, radical imaginaries, and other topics to get a deeper understanding of how we can all be agents of change.
Learn more about the Racial Equity Podcast Series
Narrative Change Series
Grantmakers in the Arts is a community of practice with a shared vision of investing in arts and culture as strategy for social change. One of the major issues we are exploring is dominant and/or mainstream narratives that continue to live on and perpetuate racialized practices and outcomes. With a system that is not broken, but rather structured intentionally to foster inequitable and unjust outcomes, the need for narrative change is more urgent now than ever. “Humans,” Ella Saltmarshe writes, “have always used stories to make sense out of our chaotic world.” Narrative change “frequently involves collaboration across difference, bringing together actors with very different positions to re-envision the goals of a system and to change it.”
We seek to elevate the importance of changing narratives among arts and culture funders, and we are excited to kick off our very first narrative change series! See below for a list of featured speakers and online learning events.