GIA Blog

Posted on by Tommer

During the current recession, arts and cultural organizations are particularly vulnerable. Now the Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund, part of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, has launched a two-year, $2.5 million initiative to help the region’s small and midsized arts … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

In the New York Times On Monday the Pew Charitable Trusts is to bring a program to New York that provides cultural organizations with full-time on-call free technical assistance. The program, the Cultural Data Project, has been operating in Pennsylvania … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Two arts-focused nonprofits are spreading grant money around to legit orgs, many of which are struggling amid the economic downturn. The Shubert Foundation is doling out more coin than it did last year, while the Tony Randall Theatrical Fund is … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

From CULTURE MONSTER in the LA Times With the notable exception of Abraham Lincoln, I wish more presidents during their time in office would have opened themselves up to the salutary and formative effects of serious drama. W.H. Auden’s famous … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

A new repot from Chorus America If you enjoy singing with your neighbors, congregation, or classmates, you’re taking an increasingly popular path to a successful life. According to a new study by Chorus America, an estimated 32.5 million adults regularly … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

In the Washington Post At the height of the Brooklyn Museum’s “Sensation” scandal in 1999, Arnold Lehman wore a bulletproof vest. The museum director also avoided taking the subway, regularly changed his route to and from work, and avoided appearing … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Grantmakers in Film + Electronic Media ( announced the launch of the GFEM Media Database, the first website to help philanthropists across all issue areas support and use media to broaden impact and reach new populations. “We created the GFEM … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Community foundations increased their giving in 2008, bucking the belt tightening that swept nearly all quarters of the philanthropic world, according to a new report by the Foundation Center. More than 700 community foundations gave $4.6-billion last year, a 2.7 … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Just like real life, it isn’t a simple as one might think, but the research into the connections between arts education and cognition is gaining increased respect. There aren’t many conclusions yet that can be translated into the classroom, but … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Or so it would seem to some members of the Minnesota House of Representatives. It took seven years of toil for advocates to get a constitutional amendment passed that would provide a steady source of funding for arts and cultural … Continue reading