Indigenous Arts

by giarts-ts-admin

2005, 48 pages. The Potlatch Fund, 801 Second Avenue, Suite 304, Seattle, WA 98104, 206-624-6076.

Based on a series of talking circles of tribal leaders and funders, this handsome report reviews the history of Native peoples and the role of art in tribal culture, examines the program priorities of funders, and identifies strategies for supporting Native arts and artists. The extensive bibliography is also a valuable tool for grantmakers.

by giarts-ts-admin

2005, 18 pages. Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, Harvard University, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, 617-495-1480.

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by giarts-ts-admin

May 2005, The Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037, (202) 833-7200,

"The idea that expressive activities contribute to building and preserving communities has become an increasingly important part of economic development and community revitalization discourse in cities, towns and nations around the world."
Carole Rosenstein, Ph.D.

by giarts-ts-admin

2004, 80 pages. Artrain USA Ann Arbor, MI, 48104

The essays that accompany this four-color exhibition catalog of "Native Views," an art show of contemporary works by Native American artists, explore how Native artists are influenced by popular culture. The exhibition, presented by Artrain USA, is housed in vintage rail cars and is touring the country via the nation's railways. Guest curator Joanna Osburn Bigfeather lends her perspective to the works along with the other essayists.

by giarts-ts-admin

Immigrant and refugee communities historically have played key roles in the Bay Area's growth and rich diversity. As California enters the twenty-first century, demographic figures reflect significant increases in immigrant pop-ulations. Amongst these communities are myriad performance ensembles, in-dividual artists, teachers, and participatory arts events that strengthen comm-unity ties, reinforce a vibrant cultural heritage, and enrich the lives of Bay Area residents.

by giarts-ts-admin

"We have a term in our language called gW3dZadad— it is a form of wealth. It's the wealth of knowledge of culture of our peoples, our laws, our ceremonies, our songs, of the names of our ancestors...Our ancestors live today as long as we pass it down to our children.”
Bruce subiyay Miller, Community Spirit Award recipient

by giarts-ts-admin

As Tia Oros Peters so eloquently states in her essay that follows, there is no particular word for art in the thousands of Indigenous languages of the world. While there are hundreds of Native American languages, the same holds true; Native Americans do not and cannot separate the importance of art and culture from everyday life. It is one goal of GIA's Indigenous People's Network to bring this important way of life to the fore of grantmakers' thinking.

by giarts-ts-admin

Recent decades have seen rapid immigration into traditional gateway cities as well as rural and suburban communities throughout the United States. Craig McGarvey's thoughtful Pursuing Democracy's Promise speaks to the importance of new United States residents' fully participating in civic life alongside the native born.

by giarts-ts-admin

To California's great Central Valley they have come from the highlands of Oaxaca, the cities of eastern Pakistan, the relocation camps of Thailand—political refugees and new immigrants from around the world aspiring to build a future for their children, grands, and greats.

For three days in October these new U.S. Americans gathered in Fresno's Tower District for their second Tamejavi Festival. Everyone was welcome; the historic Tower Theatre's marquis proclaimed, “Tamejavi: It's Still Free.”

by giarts-ts-admin

October, 2004. Convened by the Alliance of California Traditional Arts, the Presidio, San Francisco, California