GIA Blog

Posted on by Janet

(09-21-10) Grantmakers in the arts will gather in Chicago, October 17-20 for their annual conference. This is actually the organization’s 25th conference. It is my second. The first eleven or so were put together solely by members (in the grass roots tradition) without staff. Anne Focke, my predecessor and GIA staff managed the next ten years.

Posted on by GIA News

(9-17-10) After a successful three-year stint in Miami, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation will be giving for- and nonprofits in Philadelphia three opportunities (one per annum) to apply for $9 million in available arts grants. Proposed projects must benefit both the arts and Philadelphia, and applicants must provide proof of matching funds. There is no limit on the number of applications or ideas an individual or organization can submit, nor is there a limit on how much the foundation may bestow in a single grant.

Posted on by GIA News

(9-17-10) Art meets science at the 3rd annual "Dance Your Ph.D." competition wherein Ph.D. candidates explain their work in dance, sponsored by Science Magazine. You can see the finalists here.

Posted on by Tia Oros Peters

Glimpses into the world of Indigenous arts and culture. Movement Creative identity  Visioning a future Weaving a worldview  Hands on Pathway of empowerment  From the heart of the Indigenous world — and the lens of the Seventh Generation Fund for … Continue reading

Posted on by GIA News

(9-16-10) Washington State Arts Commission will host an online webinar on September 23, 2010, 10 am-11 am, to review and further discuss the recent successful Arts Participation Leadership Forum and Workshops presented in partnership with The Wallace Foundation. Arts organizations may gather their staff to participate in a discussion of emerging practices in Audience Engagement with nationally recognized researcher and consultant Alan Brown of WolfBrown together.

Posted on by GIA News

(9-16-10) The Board Leadership Training series is an intensive step-by-step program to build a stronger and more effective Board of Directors. The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation has teamed up with The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University's Business School, Nonprofit Finance Fund, and LaPiana Consulting to present a free and comprehensive series that has three components:

  • Overview: Two mandatory introductory full-day workshops: Assessment/Lifecycles and the Board Bootcamp
Posted on by GIA News

Check out Lucy Bernholz's Philanthropy 2173 Blog for several recent insightful posts on philanthropy and foundation practices.

Posted on by GIA News

(9-13-10) Grantmakers in the Arts Board member Ann McQueen recently announced her departure from the Boston Foundation to explore new options in the philanthropic sector.

Posted on by GIA News

(9-13-10) Robert Gard was a leading figure in the development of community arts work in America. His work and writings have been a great inspiration to me. On September 24-25 there is a symposium in Wisconsin honoring his work and looking towards the future. —Janet Brown, GIA Executive Director

Where Is Community Arts Development Headed?
Altering the Face and the Heart of America: The Gard Symposium
September 24-25, 2010
Lowell Center, UW-Madison Campus
Madison, Wisconsin

Posted on by Tia Oros Peters

Indigenosity: Generosity, Spiritual Commerce and Cultural Assets Through ceremony and every day life, Indigenous Peoples throughout the world engage in an ongoing process of re-balancing and interacting with highly complex spiritual, cultural, social, and familial relationships. Where these energies unite … Continue reading