GIA Blog

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on………………” Rocco’s Speech: The Chair of the Endowment’s activism to involve the agency on a number of front s seems to be working.. This morning he recounted successes in getting other federal departments and … Continue reading

Posted on by Arlene Goldbard

Joi Ito, founder and CEO of Creative Commons, was the luncheon speaker at Monday’s GIA meeting. His relaxed and likable presence comes across as realness personified. His low-key style gives me a sort of internal headshake. By the time Ito’s … Continue reading

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

There was some useful and difficult discussion today at the Grantmakers in the Arts conference. But two commonly commented assumptions are well worth a revisit. Continue reading

Posted on by GIA News

The conference in Chicago is being covered by an exceptional trio of bloggers, Andrew Taylor of The Artful Manager, Barry Hessenius of Barry's Blog, and Arlene Goldbard of Arlene Goldbard: Culture, Politics, and Spirituality. All three are posting daily, so check in now to keep up with what's happening in Chicago.

Posted on by Arlene Goldbard

The first plenary session of this Grantmakers in The Arts’ conference focused on the National Capitalization Project, a GIA initiative launched this past January. It was premised on the plain truth that arts organizations are often under-capitalized. A task force … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on……………” The Arts Education PreConference Sunday was a glorious day in downtown Chicago. Blue skies, sunshine. What an absolutely spectacular city. The Arts Ed PreConference centered on one of the more difficult challenges of … Continue reading

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

The Grantmakers in the Arts conference in Chicago is swirling around the question of capital and capitalization in the arts. So, we might as well define what exactly that is. Continue reading

Posted on by Arlene Goldbard

Shine on me Let the light shine on me The Black Monks of Mississippi I spent the day at Grantmakers in The Arts’ Support for Individual Artists preconference (entitled Artists and Grantmakers: A Shared Enterprise). Dozens of artists and funders … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on…………………….” Funders in Flux: I’m off to the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference in Chicago. Funders — government, corporate and foundation — from all over the country, gathering to make some sense of the … Continue reading

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

I'm thrilled to be an 'official' blogger for the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference, and particularly thrilled that there's a special emphasis on the impact of capital investment and infrastructure... Continue reading