GIA Blog

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(8-16-10) After two weeks of meal prep and showing dinner companions to their seats (i.e. a thoroughly engaging back-and-forth discussion on individual artists and grantmaking), GIA guest bloggers Ute Zimmermann and Theaster Gates have sat down at the table to cut into the meat of this matter. Pull up your own seat and share your thoughts here.

Posted on by Ute

Thanks Theaster for those recommendations to artists. I ‘d like to do the same for grant givers. First off though two warnings about my list: 1. It reflects my personal preferences and the experience gathered from knowing and funding individual … Continue reading

Posted on by GIA News

(8-10-10) On August 7, The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported on its survey of philanthropic programs at 162 of the largest U.S. corporations. In summary:

  • Seventy-three percent of businesses polled said they expect their cash and product giving to be about the same as in 2009, reflecting a 7.5 percent reduction from 2008 giving.
  • With less money to give, some companies are focused on responding to needs aggravated by the economy.
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(8-10-10) Bob Booker, Executive Director of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, (and former president of NASAA) welcome attendees on July 29 to the Southwest Arts Conference. Jonathan Katz passes along the text of Bob's introduction:

The arts hold the ability to shed the “light of truth and understanding” across America in these challenging times. The arts have always taken the lead in facing the tough issues head on. From Picasso's painting, Guernica, to the poems of Langston Hughes, the arts are not shy, quiet or reserved.

Posted on by GIA News

(8-10-10) New England Foundation for the Arts has announced the National Theater Pilot. Applications became available on August 6 and the deadline for submitting the application is Wednesday, September 1:

Posted on by Theaster

Thanks everybody for chiming in. I agree Ute; it is nice to simply get a check in the mail. More of those please! I also think that its important that we reflect on why we are being successful and not … Continue reading

Posted on by Ute

Thanks, Theaster, and thank you, commentators! I’m sure you know the old joke that if you want to speak about art go out to dinner with bankers, and if you want to speak about money go out with artists. I … Continue reading

Posted on by GIA News

(8-6-10) The GIA Guest Blog, “A Movable Feast: Conversations About the Artist-Grantmaker Relationship around a Virtual Dinner Table” is happening now. The subject of the relationship between artist and grantmaker is looking to make for a rich discussion. Join in at

Posted on by Theaster

Ute, Aretha was a nice touch. While I rarely play the role of the victim, it IS easy to criminalize funders, partly because young, emerging and even some professional artists have such a complex relationship to money and people with … Continue reading

Posted on by Ute