GIA News's Blog

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(2-9-2011) Just in time for GIA's upcoming Web Conference on retaining emerging arts leaders in the field—stay tuned; registration for this opens on Friday—is Maureen Walsh's article on the challenges of effectively engaging the next generation of arts professionals.

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(2-9-2011) Robert Lynch on Huffington Post:

One of the largest arts audience activities of the year happened earlier this week. Thousands of artists from around the United States and throughout the world prepared for months for this single event on one night in February. It's called the Super Bowl...

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(2-8-2011) The GIA website now features a new Arts Funding Topic, Arts & Aging. Like other Arts Funding Topics, online content is available in one easy location, GIA is sponsoring a thought leader forum on the subject April 6, in Washington, D.C. So more is to come soon on this Arts Funding Topic.

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(2-8-2011) The Professional Development for Arts Educators (PDAE) Grant Program at the U.S. Department of Education seeks application reviewers for its upcoming grant competition, scheduled to begin in late April or May 2011. Reviewers will receive an honorarium based on the number of applications reviewed.

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(2-8-2011) According to the website of the Alliance of Artists Communities, an umbrella group, more than 800 artists colonies exist around the world "supporting today's artist in the creation of new work essential to human progress — not as a luxury, not as a leisure activity, but as a vital and necessary force in society."

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(2-5-2011) The New York Times reports on the Knight Foundation's Random Acts of Culture program.

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(2-4-11) Charles Isherwood in the NYTimes, "Rocco Landesman probably doesn’t need a new nickname, but it’s tempting to give him one anyway: Cowboy Mouth." And that's just the opening sentence.

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(2-3-2011) From

Google's Art Project has taken its street view cameras inside some of the world's most famous museums. The result? A stunningly high-resolution trove of paintings that would otherwise be an ocean away.
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(2-2-2011) Henry L. Berman has been selected to lead the Association of Small Foundations by the organizations Board of Directors. An ASF member since 2003, ASF board member from 2008–2010, and ASF acting CEO for the past seven months, Berman has served on ASF’s development, membership, and governance committees.

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(1-31-2001) Rocco Landesman posted clarification and expansion of his ideas on supply and demand in the nonprofit arts on the NEA Art Works blog today.