GIA News's Blog

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(3-22-2011) Ian David Moss of Fractured Atlas posts today on the NEA's Art Works blog:

The conversation we should be having is not about reducing supply. Instead it is about defining the responsibilities of cultural institutions to provide stewardship for a world in which supply of creative content is exploding and will never shrink. In this era of infinite choice, there is a desperate need for guidance as to how we should allocate the precious few hours that we have to experience something that will feed our souls, make us think differently, or incur a hearty laugh.

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(March 21, 2011) - The President and CEO of the Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP), Sandra Gibson, announced today that she will step down at the end of this fiscal year (June 30, 2011) after eleven years at the helm of the nation's leading service organization for the performing arts presenting field. Gibson has served the Association since 2000 and is the fourth chief executive of the organization since its founding in 1957.

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Isaac Butler

(3-21-2011) Be sure to check out the new GIA Talk Back series. It begins today with Isaac Butler at If you use RSS to get new content delivered to your news feed, you can subscribe to the 2011 Talk Back series at

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(3-17-2011) An exciting new addition to the 2011 Web Conference Series lineup: On July 12, Salvador Acevedo, President of San Francisco-based Contemporánea, will present Cultural Participation in a Changing Society.

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(3-16-2011) From Cornelia Carey, Executive Director, Craft Emergency Relief Fund:

A number of you have written looking for suggestions about where to send contributions and aid. We strongly encourage supporting the first responders and want to pass along Network for Good’s list of some of them

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(3-16-2011) If you missed yesterday's GIA Web Conference presented by Barbara Schaffer Bacon and Pam Korza, you have another chance to see their overview of the Trend or Tipping Point reports on Monday, March 21, when PACE Funders will host the Animating Democracy Co-directors in a similar online presentation.

See the event details and register here.

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(3-14-2011) Please join us tomorrow, March 15, at 2:00 EST/11:00 PST for Trend or Tipping Point: Arts & Social Change Grantmaking, a web-based presentation by Barbara Schaffer Bacon and Pam Korza of Americans for the Arts' Animating Democracy program.

All GIA Web Conference Series webinars are free to GIA member staff and boards. Online Registration is available through tomorrow morning.

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(3-11-2011) An 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan today, setting off a massive tsunami and causing floods, fires and widespread damage. At least 1,000 individuals are presumed dead in the aftermath of the disaster, reports the Los Angeles Times.

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(3-9-2011) The Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View, California has announced the appointment of Moy Eng as the school's new Executive Director. From 2001-2009 she worked as the Program Director, Performing Arts, at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Eng's selection as CSMA's tenth executive director in its history comes after a seven-month search to identify the best leader for the $4.3 million organization committed to providing Arts for All. She will assume the position as of March 22, 2011.

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(3-8-2011) To address overall education spending cuts, the San Diego school district is considering a $2.8 million cut from a $3 million visual and performing arts budget. That's a 93% reduction in arts funding.