GIA News's Blog

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(4-1-2011) Today, Chicago Arts Learning Initiative announced the appointment of Paul Sznewajs, founder and former executive director of Snow City Arts, to lead the next phase of the initiative. CALI will be relaunched as Ingenuity Incorporated, an arts education service organization that provides infrastructure and support to assist Chicago's public schools, arts organizations, and policy makers.

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(3-31-2011) Tony Golsby-Smith from Harvard Business Review:

How many people in your organization are innovative thinkers who can help with your thorniest strategy problems? How many have a keen understanding of customer needs? How many understand what it takes to assure that employees are engaged at work?

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(3-31-2011) In his latest Talk Back blog post, Isaac Butler considers the finances and ethics of big box museums and the visual arts, calling into question board strategies and composition. He leads with a provocative Eleanor Heartney quote that includes the following:

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Grantmakers in the Arts is seeking a Director of Development and Membership. A qualified applicant should have experience planning and implementing resource development strategies. Key actions include initiating and providing oversight of all policies and procedures related to fund-raising; identifying, cultivating, and soliciting major gift prospects; providing oversight for all aspects of donor relations and stewardship; and developing communication strategies to support funder and membership retention, recruitment and benefits.

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(3-30-2011) MetLife Foundation announced today a grant of $275,000 to the National Guild for Community Arts Education. The grant will continue the MetLife Foundation Partners in Arts Education Program, a national program, now in its seventh year, that aims to support and promote sustainable partnerships between community arts education organizations and public schools. The press release noted that 6,000 students in eight cities are receiving year-long arts instruction during the current school year as a result of partnerships funded by this program.

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(3/30/2011) President Obama yesterday announced nominees to Administration posts. This list of nominees includes Deepa Gupta, Program Officer for Media, Culture and Special Initiatives at the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in Chicago.

You can read the full White House press release here.

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(3-29-2011) I had this provocative post all planned out today, one in which I said (insincerely, I should add) that you Grantmakers should just stop giving money to large institutions. The plan was to use a bit of a rhetorical post to goad all you silent grantmakers out there into the comments and also get a bit of an understanding of why so much money goes to the giant battleships of the arts community when small organizations can do a lot more with it. But then I read this post by my good friend Matt Freeman in which he talks about “Scarcity Models” of funding vs. “Abundance Models” of funding...

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(3-29-2011) From the press release:

The American Music Center (AMC) and Meet The Composer (MTC), two of America's three leading organizations in the field of new music, announced today their intention to merge into a new advocacy and service organization. New Music USA will reach composers, performers, and listeners in all 50 states and project a more visible and audible profile for new American music all over the world.

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(3-24-2011) Inaugural Talk Back blogger Isaac Butler's latest engaging post is titled "Let's Talk About Demand, Baby." A snippet:

In the face of this wondrous success, many in the funding sector (including the current chair of the NEA and the RAND corporation) have indicated that the time may have come for us to focus not on increasing supply and capacity but increasing demand.

Read more.

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(3-22-2011) In an exhibition review for The Smart Set, Jennifer Fisher Wilson outlines the history of physician-artist collaborations, showcasing the many ways that artists have made important contributions to the field of medicine—from documenting specimens and procedures in the days before photography to a contemporary program at Yale University that teaches observation skills designed to fine-tune patient diagnosis.

For some interesting talking points on arts and health, read the full article here.