Support for Individual Artists

GIA members have been working together to promote and improve funding for individual artists for over 20 years. The Support for Individual Artists Committee has been one of the most active groups of funders within GIA. Over the years, the committee has been an incubator for such projects as a scan of scholarly research on artist support, a visual timeline outlining the history of artist support funding, major publications, and programs, and the development of a national taxonomy for reporting data on support for individual artists. The committee continues to advise, inspire, and inform GIA’s thought leadership and programming in support for individual artists.

Click here to listen to the latest podcast, and see below for resources.

by giarts-ts-admin

Google artist statement, and you will find a good dozen instructional websites enjoining artists to “follow these easy steps” to produce this essential bit of art-career ephemera.

by giarts-ts-admin
GIA is pleased to republish this State Arts Agency Fact Sheet: Support for Individual Artists, originally developed by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA.) We look forward to the day when we’ll have this kind of data on support for individual artists from private philanthropy as well.
by giarts-ts-admin
One of the most interesting aspects of GIA’s Research Initiative on Support for Individual Artists has been the opportunity to delve deeply into funders’ programs and practices. By its very nature, data collection requires creating categories and standard definitions, and then using this vocabulary to quantify what funders are actually doing.
by giarts-ts-admin
This article, examining the ecology of funders’ use of intermediaries and regranting organizations, came about as a direct offshoot of GIA’s Research Initiative on Support for Individual Artists, begun in 2011. As the research team worked to map the pathways that support followed from funder to artist, a complex map of options and routes began to emerge, and intermediaries and regranters were often part of that picture. It became increasingly clear that this was an essential and important part of the overall system.
by giarts-ts-admin

A Case Statement from GIA’s Support for Individual

Artists Group Steering Committee, October 2011


   Support for Individual Artists Case Statement (89Kb)

Our commitment to supporting individual artists is a testament to our understanding of the importance of artists in our world. We support artists to allow them time to reveal the truths of our existence. We support artists to promote diverse, creative communities engaged in civil dialogue and public service. We support artists to ensure the freedom of their expression and the preservation of our own.

by Abigail

During our November call we recapped the 2013 GIA preconference, held on Sunday October 6 at the Asian Arts Initiative in Philadelphia. Heartfelt congratulations and thanks went out to preconference co-chairs Melissa Franklin (Pew Center for Arts & Heritage) and Esther Grimm (3Arts) for their planning and logistical work. Also acknowledged were the committee members who participated in sessions or otherwise contributed to making the day a success.

by giarts-ts-admin

December 2013, 56 pages. The McKnight Foundation, 710 South Second Street, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55401, (612) 333-4220,


by Abigail

Toolkit: A Look Inside the Artist Selection Process is a new web resource developed by members of GIA's Individual Artists Support Committee. Responding to feedback received at the 2012 GIA Conference, the Committee undertook to design web resources, or Toolkits, to help inform and create dialogue around best practices in providing support to individual artists; this Toolkit is their first.

by giarts-ts-admin

At the GIA 2012 Conference in Miami, the Individual Artists Support Committee hosted a breakfast roundtable conversation to ask funders what they would like our committee to work on throughout the year.

One of the suggestions that rose to the top of the list at that roundtable was that we work to develop a set of resources representing a variety of models of artist awards/grants selection processes. We thought this was a terrific idea, and we quickly organized a subcommittee of diverse funders to create documents that offer a behind-the-scenes look at how our programs work.