The Creative Interventions Tour, a new placemaking project led by artist Hunter Franks, will travel through Akron, Detroit, Macon, and Philadelphia, where Franks will lead workshops that bring people from diverse social and economic backgrounds together. He will craft the interactive activities with input from local organizations, taking into account specific community needs. Franks will document his experiences in each of the cities to share lessons and assess how small-scale, temporary interventions can create wide community impact.
Support for Individual Artists
GIA members have been working together to promote and improve funding for individual artists for over 20 years. The Support for Individual Artists Committee has been one of the most active groups of funders within GIA. Over the years, the committee has been an incubator for such projects as a scan of scholarly research on artist support, a visual timeline outlining the history of artist support funding, major publications, and programs, and the development of a national taxonomy for reporting data on support for individual artists. The committee continues to advise, inspire, and inform GIA’s thought leadership and programming in support for individual artists.
Click here to listen to the latest podcast, and see below for resources.
Posted to Supporting Today’s Artists by Caitlin Strokosch, executive director, Alliance of Artists Communities
One of the reasons I love serving on Grantmakers in the Arts’ Individual Artists Support Committee is that every conversation centers on how we can do more to support artists. Again and again we ask: What else do artists need (besides more money)?
As they always have, artists are working in, with, and for communities. They are working as animators, cultural organizers, and teaching artists and in a myriad of other roles. They are making work in community settings by choice. For many, this work is their central creative practice, while for others, it is a dimension or portion of their work. Interest, opportunity, and training for community-based work are growing despite the fact that such work is often underfunded and the artists are poorly paid.
Read More...This strategy sampler summarizes funding trends, policy goals and key programmatic issues of state arts agency individual artist fellowships, including eligibility parameters and application evaluation criteria and protocols. The information herein is based on publicly available fellowship program guidelines in fiscal year 2014 as well as 10 years of data tracking fellowship awards.
The Open Society Documentary Photography Project is soliciting calls for the 2014 Audience Engagement Grant Program. Since the program’s inception in 2004, Open Society Foundations has funded 54 photographers who have gone beyond documenting a human rights or social justice issue to enacting change.
The Committee welcomed Paul Tyler, grants director of ArtsKC, a regional arts council in Kansas City, Missouri. Also new to the Committee is Ruby Lerner, executive director of Creative Capital, a nationally-focused support organization serving artists with funding, counseling, and career development services.
Center for the Study of Art & Community
2013, 51 pages, The McKnight Foundation, Minneapolis, MN
What Artists Say (1.3 Mb)
A national research study commissioned by CERF+ (Craft Emergency Relief Fund + Artists’ Emergency Resources), and conducted by Dreezen and Associates with grant support from the Windgate Charitable Foundation, is now available. Sustaining Careers: A National Study of the Status of U.S.