Support for Individual Artists

GIA members have been working together to promote and improve funding for individual artists for over 20 years. The Support for Individual Artists Committee has been one of the most active groups of funders within GIA. Over the years, the committee has been an incubator for such projects as a scan of scholarly research on artist support, a visual timeline outlining the history of artist support funding, major publications, and programs, and the development of a national taxonomy for reporting data on support for individual artists. The committee continues to advise, inspire, and inform GIA’s thought leadership and programming in support for individual artists.

Click here to listen to the latest podcast, and see below for resources.

by Michelle Jenney

Do any of you use an online application? GMA Foundations uses Foundant for organizations to apply but one of my clients - The Ella Lyman Cabot Trust accepts applications from individuals (not necessarily artists) which are now accepted (via USPS and/or email)from applicants in a letter of intent, budget and c.v.

by giarts-ts-admin

Jennifer Wright Cook. 2013, 28 pages, The Field

by giarts-ts-admin

American artists are still emerging from a bumptious cycle of structural downs and ups and institutional changes. Since the watershed of the culture wars in the early 1990s, diverse publics and legislative bodies have questioned artists’ purposes and contributions. Supporters — patrons, funders, friends — have scrambled to help them survive. In ways that may be a great blessing, an older, constraining preoccupation with artistic excellence and peer-judged grants has eroded. More inclusive notions of who artists are and of their many missions are taking root.

by Abigail

At this point in the year, our committee is engaged primarily in working with GIA staff to develop conference and preconference sessions that reflect the interests of our sector.


by giarts-ts-admin
As a writer who often ponders music and its many audiences, I spend a lot of time thinking about how some artists thrive, while others don’t, in places far from their first home. As listeners, members of an audience, we hear something that feels real, powerful, to us, and we feel connected to the experience of someone who may seem not much like us. From this experience we have a single urgent response: how can we share this with the world? You’ve got to hear this…
by Abigail

During our May 2013 meeting the Committee welcomed new member Joe Smoke of the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.

Committee member Ben Cameron presented an overview of the Doris Duke Performing Artists Initiative, a ten-year $50 Million program. This innovative program, now in its second year, will provide awards to more than 200 artists, as well as a range of dance companies, theaters, and presenters.

by Abigail

New Members:

We welcomed Tony Grant of the Sustainable Arts Foundation, Vincent (Vinnie) Murphy of the Tanne Foundation, Melissa Franklin of The Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, and David Terry of the New York Foundation for the Arts to GIA’s Individual Artists Support Committee. The committee now comprises eighteen representatives of organizations that support individual artists nationally.

Our winter meeting focused on representing, sharing, and understanding our work to support artists.

by giarts-ts-admin


   Money from Music (1.2 Mb)

by giarts-ts-admin
“As this has never been done before, we have no idea what we’re doing today,” Joanna Haigood half-joked at the launch of Paseo, less a walking tour than a movable, danceable feast, a peripatetic block party that, for one delightful hour, would twist through the South Bronx neighborhoods of Hunts Point and Longwood.