GIA Arts Funding Publications

GIA Arts Funding Publications

by Steve

Arts Funding 2000, a study completed by The Foundation Center and commissioned by Grantmakers in the Arts, is the companion to Arts Funding III: An Update on Foundation Trends published in 1998. This second volume focuses issues and trends in grantmaking through the eyes of grantmakers themselves.

by Steve

The first half of the 1990s represented a period of instability in arts support. Dramatic cutbacks in federal funding and modest growth in giving from individual and corporate donors raised significant financial challenges for the arts community. Although they were but one part of a much larger funding mosaic, foundations represented a stable and growing source of funds.

by giarts-ts-admin

Key findings of this report are based on arts grants of $10,000 or more reported to the Foundation Center by 1,154 of the largest U.S. foundations.


Arts Funding Snapshot 2005 (445K)

by Steve

The magnitude and distribution of foundation arts and culture grants in 2004 are the most significant findings of this report. Key findings of the report, based on arts grants of $10,000 or more reported to the Foundation Center by 1,010 of the larger U.S. foundations, are highlighted here.

This report also includes a brief examination of of government funding for the arts from 1992 to 2006 by Kelly Barsdate of NASAA.


by Steve

The magnitude and distribution of foundation arts and culture grants in 2003 are the most significant findings of this report. Key findings of the report, based on arts grants of $10,000 or more reported to the Foundation Center by 1,010 of the larger U.S. foundations, are highlighted here.

This report also includes a brief examiniation of the growth of foundation giving from 1992 to 2005 and a summary of government funding for the arts from 1992 to 2005 by Kelly Barsdate of NASAA.
