Arts Funding 2000
Funder Perspectives on Current and Future Trends
Arts Funding 2000, a study completed by The Foundation Center and commissioned by Grantmakers in the Arts, is the companion to Arts Funding III: An Update on Foundation Trends published in 1998. This second volume focuses issues and trends in grantmaking through the eyes of grantmakers themselves.
Developed from interviews with a diverse cross section of thirty-five grantmakers, including private foundations and corporate donors, the study offers a unique portrait of changing priorities and approaches to funding, along wit] insights about the challenges and opportunities grantmakers feel they face today.
Components of the study include an overview of the principal themes and creative tensions involved in arts grantmaking today; a discussion of how funders develop their objectives; a review of what's new in grantmaking, documented by examples and case studies; a discussion of the principal factors driving change in funding priorities and practice; an examination of practices funders employ to increase impact; an exploration of key issues and concerns facing the arts community and arts grantmakers; and predictions about future trends in philanthropy and the arts field.
The study was led by Loren Renz, vice president for research at the Foundation Center, with interviews conducted by Caron Atlas, research consultant and coauthor.
Support for both reports was provided by the AT&T Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Jerome Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund.
To order copies of Arts Funding 2000, call The Foundation Center at (800) 424-9836 (in New York State, 212-620-4230) or order online.