Family Foundation

Family Foundation

by giarts-ts-admin

This piece was first published in the newsletter of the Grantmaker's Evaluation Network, Volume 9/Number 1, Winter 2001. It is published here with permission from Doug Easterling.

by giarts-ts-admin

The following article is based on notes for a talk presented in June 2000 at Dance/USA's bi-annual conference, "New Directions in Moving Ground." Marda Kirn participated on a panel subtitled "Nurturing the Art of Creation" that invited panelists to talk about inventive ways that artists find time, space, and support to create new work.

Many years ago, I wanted to write a grant application to the NEA — as a kind of joke, and a kind of plea. I'd call it the Rip Van Winkle project.

by giarts-ts-admin

2000, 218 pages; Northeastern University Press, (Boston, Massachusetts).

by giarts-ts-admin

This paper was originally given at the 1987 Conference on Private Philanthropy and the Social Good. It was brought to our attention by a GIA member, and is reprinted here with permission from Cambridge University Press and the estate of Michael Hooker. © 1987 Social Philosophy and Policy Foundation.

by giarts-ts-admin

October 2000, 100 pages, $16. National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture (NAMAC), 346 Ninth Street, San Francisco, California 94103, (415) 431-1391.

by giarts-ts-admin

Working paper writer, Mindy Levine; convening curator, Heather Hitchens

August 2000, 24 pages, Arts International.

by giarts-ts-admin

2000, 18 pages, Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), 45 East Seventh Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101, (651) 290-1262.

Minnesota Public Radio, as a collaboration between its Civic Journalism Initiative and the program Sound Money, brought together more than 100 individuals, ranging from leading thinkers in the philanthropic field to new Microsoft millionaires, last September for a day-long summit to explore what it thought would be interesting fodder for discussion: the untapped giving potential in the United States.

by giarts-ts-admin

2000, 46 pages. The McKnight Foundation, 600 TCF Tower, 121 South Eighth Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, (612) 333-4220.

This monograph celebrates poet Robert Bly with photographs, essays by friends and colleagues, and Bly's own poems. The Distinguished Artist Award, now in its third year, recognizes and celebrates Minnesota artists who have founded and/or strengthened Minnesota's arts organizations, mentored and inspired younger artists, and attracted audiences and patrons who enable art to survive.