In March, the GIA website slide show of member-supported projects is provided by our colleagues at the Manitoba Arts Council in Winnipeg. Established in 1965 “to promote the study, enjoyment, production and performance of works in the arts” throughout the Province of Manitoba, the Council uses a peer assessment process to make awards to professional arts organizations and individuals in areas including arts education, literary arts, performing arts, and visual arts.
Grantmakers in the Arts
From Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah at the Chicago Tribune:
The study is just the latest calling for more arts education in Chicago Public Schools. With the district moving to a longer school day next year, the Chicago Teachers Union and parent groups like Raise Your Hand have called for more time devoted to enrichment classes like music and art and less time devoted to test preparation.
A new report from The Paul G. Allen Foundation examines cultural organizations in the Pacific Northwest that have succeeded in the face of economic turmoil and change. Bright Spots Leadership in the Pacific Northwest is the product of a six-month exploration by Helicon Collaborative and builds on Dynamic Adaptability, a series of conversations among arts leaders held in Seattle over the last two years.
Arts programming was a factor leading to improved standardized test scores at three schools in Chicago over three years, according to a report released today by the educational arts non-profit Changing Worlds and Loyola University.
LA County Arts Commission's Arts for All program as received support from The Boeing Company, W.M. Keck Foundation and The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation in the amount of $674,200 to provide professional development training designed specifically to the needs of teachers in eleven school districts in the LA metro area.
From Kristie Pearce at The Windsor Star:
Quebec MP and heritage critic Tyrone Benskin says art. "When we look back at history and look at all the great civilizations—the Egyptians, the Byzantines, the Phoenicians—we don't sit there and talk about their economic plan," he said at an information session Saturday at the Artspeak Gallery on Wyandotte Street East.
From Carl Franzen at Talking Points Memo: