2014 Grantmakers in the Arts Conference

Grantmakers in the Arts is pleased to have a fantastic team of bloggers covering the 2014 Conference in Houston. Latoya Peterson, Barry Hessenius, and Sarah Lutman will all be posting their comments and reactions beginning Sunday, October 12. We hope you enjoy their observations and that you join the conversation.

by Barry Hessenius

There is no way I can possibly cover all the material I absorbed in today’s sessions and do justice to it all tonight.  So, I am going to hit a couple of highlights and then come back later in the week and cover the rest, together with some personal comments and insights. And that is likely to be my approach tomorrow as well. I also plan on a separate post on the GIA Preconference on the Unique Practice of Arts Grantmaking this weekend. I.  Session: Getting Beyond Breakeven 2.0: Exploring the Opportunities and the Limits of Making Investments Towards Change

by Steve

A certified media junkie, Latoya Peterson provides a hip-hop feminist and anti-racist view on culture with a special focus on video games, film, television, and music. Skilled in interviewing and creative non-fiction, Latoya Peterson spends her time editing the award winning blog Racialicious.com – the intersection of race and pop culture. She is a Contributing Editor for The Root.com and Content Producer for the Online News Association.

by Steve

Sarah Lutman is principal at Lutman & Associates, a consulting and program development enterprise working with cultural, public media, and philanthropic organizations nationally. As an entrepreneur she creates civic projects designed to spark discovery, debate, and dialogue, and writes extensively about ideas and trends in the nonprofit sector and the culture at large.

by Steve

Former Director California Arts Council, President California Assembly of Local Arts Agencies, and Executive Director of LINES Ballet. Author, consultant, blogger and public speaker. Barry published his work Hardball Lobbying for Nonprofits in 2007 (Macmillan & Company, New York). He conducted a two phase study with reports released in 2007 and 2009 for the Hewlett Foundation on the issue of generational management & succession in the arts. He authored several other studies including the California Arts Advocacy Handbook, the Local Arts Agency Funding Study for the Aspen Institute and the City Arts Agency Tool Kit. He is author of the most widely read blog in the nonprofit arts field – Barry’s Blog.

by Steve

Grantmakers in the Arts is pleased to have a fantastic team of bloggers covering the 2014 Conference in Houston. Latoya Peterson, Barry Hessenius, and Sarah Lutman will all be posting their comments and reactions beginning Sunday, October 12. We hope you enjoy their observations and that you join the conversation.