Economic Turmoil and Change

by giarts-ts-admin

Vartan Gregorian, president of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and Paul Brest, president of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation spoke at New York’s 92nd Street Y on January 4th. both foundations expect to stick to their giving plans … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Grantmakers in the Arts and Philanthropy Northwest convened a group of regional arts funders to compare notes and exchange ideas on December 4, 2008. Presentations by Anne Focke, GIA, Holly Sidford, Helicon Collaborative, and Ed Pauly, The Wallace Foundation were … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

The Council on Foundations has launched a Web resource, Economic Xchange, a collaborative resource on how the current economy impacts philanthropy. Specific ideas from funders are found in Giving Strategies and Funding Changes. Read more. Also on the COF web … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Many funders are beginning to suggest that in this climate nonprofits will need general operating support as never before. GIA is making copies of the book General Operating Support: Case Studies and Reflections on Nine Grantmaking Programs available at no … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Creative Family Giving in the Arts features profiles of 18 family foundations and giving groups that have developed unique or noteworthy programs of arts giving, reflecting the values and character of the donors in a variety of ways. Interviews with … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Organizations that stay true to their missions in difficult times, ask hard questions about how well they are serving constituents, make contingency plans, and think carefully about how to be more competitive and effective are the ones that not only … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Many of our clients and friends are understandably worried about the likely effects of the economic downturn. They report much conflicting advice, confusion, and disagreement among stakeholders. What will be the impact on foundation grants? Private giving? Earned revenues? What … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“With so much talk about the need for an economic stimulus package, now is the time for government to lift restrictions to increased contributions by individuals and foundations. The Council on Foundations estimates that philanthropy has lost an estimated $200 … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

With ticket prices reaching from $175 to $220, patrons Agnes Varis and Karl Leichtman purchased $500,000 worth of tickets to the Metropolitan Opera’s production of John Adams’ Doctor Atomic and allowed the Met to sell them for $30 each to … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

TIMELY ADVICE The argument that “our organization will go out of business” doesn’t resonate with me. What does resonate is “Our population will not be served.” — Margaret McKenna, president, Wall Mart Foundation