Economic Turmoil and Change

by giarts-ts-admin

Rick Cohen in The NonProfit Times writes: “How can a half trillion dollars of tax-exempt assets sitting in foundation coffers help the U.S. overcome the deepening national economic recession? As the Rockefeller Foundation observed in July based on a public … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Director of the Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy at Vanderbilt University and head of the Obama Administration transition team on arts and culture, Ivey spoke about the current nonprofit arts environment at the 2008 GIA conference in … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

This is a time to be part of the conversation, right? This is a time in your world to understand that you can’t be sort of on the side in the background of this, because you deal with arts and … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Jeremy Nowak (president, The Reinvestment Fund, and member, Federal Reserve Board in Philadelphia) presented insightful thoughts about the role of the arts in civil society within an explanation of how we got into this economic mess. Download a quick summary … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

At the November 2001 GIA conference in Mohonk, NY, GIA members engaged in many discussions of how to respond to the tragedy of September 11, 2001. A special article in the spring 2002 issue of the Reader collected many of … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Some thoughtful ideas about the birth, life, evolution, and end of arts organizations are found in A Pragmatic Response to Real Circumstances by Anne Focke in the GIA Reader, Vol. 19, No. 3, Fall 2008.

by giarts-ts-admin

At the 2001 GIA conference, Penny McPhee (then with the Knight Foundation, now president, Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation) reflected on responses from two arts groups after Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

by giarts-ts-admin

In his book The Gift, Lewis Hyde posits that living artists provide talent and inspiration as gifts to society. He further notes that today’s artists are collectively in a predicament, living ‘in an age whose values are market values and … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

If this recession proves as deep and lasting as some predict, might some foundations want to dig into their principal to increase grantmaking? Might significantly increased support now provide greater value in the long-term than preserving their capacity to maintain … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“‘Omidyar Network, during the next year, will increase its total investments and donations,’ officials at the organization said. The group also will add two new areas of investment and create six new management positions, filling them with executives from companies … Continue reading