Economic Turmoil and Change

by giarts-ts-admin

Knight Foundation has become a leader in media innovation; meeting the information needs of communities and helping journalism evolve into its best possible future. We are also fortunate to work with many effective organizations for the benefit of Knight communities. … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Foundations and their grantees have been grappling with these very same challenges for decades. They know of proven solutions—programs that work to improve educational results, increase health care access and reduce its cost, conserve energy, revitalize communities, and create economic … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“Amidst the escalating demand for a federal stimulus package to rescue what seems like a new industry every day (first the financial sector, then autos, then steel), little attention has been paid to stimulating the nonprofit sector. Yet the nonprofit … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

The majority of New York City’s cultural institutions are slashing their budgets in the face of a weak economy and government funding cuts, a new survey finds. Nearly 80% of the nonprofit groups, which range from big name museums to … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“The pipeline from corporate America to the nation’s charities is starting to dry up, as losses in the stock market mount and the U.S. recession deepens. With many large organizations depending on corporate largesse, their futures are suddenly uncertain.” (11/25/08) … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“These days support of cultural institutions is on the rise and enthusiasm for arts programs is at a high. Americans for the Arts, a non-profit organization that works to advance the arts in the United States, estimates that Americans spend … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“One obvious opportunity for leverage during the economic downturn will be for philanthrocapitalists to bring about mergers and acquisitions in the nonprofit sector, which currently has far too many organizations doing essentially the same thing. When raising money was easy, … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“We calculate that philanthropy has lost well over $200 billion in its endowment value in the United States,” Gunderson said. “What we’re looking at is how to best create the environment to grow philanthropy.” Still, despite the seemingly cavernous vault … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

No matter your political persuasion, your age, background or place of residence, your professional role or disciplinary affiliation, if you work in the nonprofit cultural sector, Barack Obama’s presidential campaign holds lessons for you. The campaign marks a watershed in … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

“We plan to honor grant commitments made in 2008 and previous years, and we also plan to increase the percentage of our endowment that will be paid out in grants in 2009. However, it is likely that the Foundation won’t … Continue reading