Economic Turmoil and Change

by Tommer

“That was then; this is now.” A blunt expression often used in negotiations when one party wants to make clear to the other that previously reasonable expectations are unlikely to be met because of some adverse and unalterable change in … Continue reading

by Tommer

(Left: Painter Jackson Pollock, artist backed early in his career by New Deal arts funds.) Okay, fine. But what kind of art? After a debate that carried a whiff of the Reagan- and Giuliani-era fights over government arts funding — … Continue reading

by Tommer

PRNewsFoto/R.J. Dale President Barack Obama has established a staff position in the White House to oversee arts and culture in the Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs under Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser, a White House official confirmed. Kareem … Continue reading

by Tommer

…It is a shop front in Nassau Street, a couple of blocks away from Wall Street, that would be utterly forgettable were it not for the two words stamped across its glass: Free Store. In the age of postmodern advertising, … Continue reading

by Tommer

The Pittsburgh Foundation says it has found a way to boost charitable giving even during hard times. In October, when nonprofits typically are hurting for money, the foundation will introduce PittsburghGives, an online product designed to encourage openness among nonprofits … Continue reading

by Tommer

Walt Disney World, which announced last week that it made more than $32.5 million worth of charitable contributions last year, says it is aiming to give at the same pace this year, even amid the worst economy in a generation. … Continue reading

by Tommer

…But the first person I ran into at Christie’s was an executive from the Guggenheim, who insisted that not everyone was in trouble. “We were just saying, mid-sized museums are doing just fine,” she said, indicating a colleague from the … Continue reading

by Tommer

Illustration: Rocco Fazzari, The Sydney Morning Herald There is every reason to think that the next few years could be difficult for some of our biggest arts organisations. Stock shocks and corporate collapses mean declining sponsorship, fewer benefactors and shrinking … Continue reading

by Tommer

A new $5 million program of regional arts giving by PNC Foundation is to be announced today, doubling the foundation’s commitment to the visual and performing arts in the region. PNC Foundation, the charitable arm of PNC Financial Services, plans … Continue reading

by Tommer

Bob Goldfarb eJP Blog It’s hardly news that philanthropists are reconsidering their priorities in the face of the economy’s woes. The move to provide for basic needs, for example, is a natural and laudable response to the jump in unemployment. … Continue reading