Economic Turmoil and Change

by Tommer

In the midst of a deepening recession, U.S. foundation giving grew a modest 2.8 percent, to an estimated $45.6 billion, in 2008, but is expected to decrease in 2009, a new report from the Foundation Center finds. Based on a … Continue reading

by Tommer

Baltimore’s highest-rated public radio station announced Monday that it would be offering free airtime to local arts and cultural institutions over the next six months. “It’s all about the economy,” said WYPR President and General Manager Anthony Brandon. “It’s a … Continue reading

by Tommer

Paul Brest continues his discussion of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy recommendations on the Huffington Post. Although there are good reasons for a foundation to spend down its assets today, there are also legitimate reasons for it to continue … Continue reading

by Tommer

An in-depth interview of GIA executive director Janet Brown by Barry Hessenius is posted today on Barry’s Blog on the WESTAF SITE. BARRY: Acknowledging that you’ve only been at the helm of GIA for a couple of months, nonetheless can … Continue reading

by Tommer

Washington Grantmakers’ corporate members gathered on March 12th for the first Corporate Philanthropy luncheon of 2009. Guest speaker, Leslie Crutchfield, co-author of Forces for Good, led a discussion on how to get the biggest return on your social investments. Here … Continue reading

by Tommer

A summary of the Council on Foundations presentation, ““New Agenda/Harsh Realities: Opportunities for Foundations to Step Up in 2009” in On Philanthropy. The economic downturn has hit the nonprofit world hard and foundations are struggling as well. How do they … Continue reading

by Tommer

Editorial by Judith H. Dobrzynski in The Daily Beast. “Memo to President Obama, from the arts world: This is not what we had in mind. During the campaign, candidate Obama raised high hopes among artists and arts institutions: He “got” … Continue reading

by Tommer

A new bill pending in the Senate is designed to simplify the tax code for private foundations and encourage them to give more money to charity as the recession continues. The bill, S 676, would change the way foundations pay … Continue reading

by Tommer

Thursday, 3-26-09, the Senate approved HR 1388, a bill that would greatly expand federally sponsored volunteer programs, marking the latest collaboration between Massachusetts Democrat Ted Kennedy and Utah Republican Orrin Hatch. Known as the Serve America Act, the Kennedy-Hatch bill … Continue reading

by Tommer

“Washington continues to be consumed by economic turmoil, but cultural professionals say they are cautiously optimistic about the future of the arts under President Obama. Among the positive signs: The $50 million in stimulus money going to the National Endowment … Continue reading