GIA Blog

Posted on by Monica

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and The Kresge Foundation are partnering to expand support of creative placemaking through the launch of a pilot technical assistance program in collaboration with Local Initiatives Support Corporation's National Creative Placemaking Program (LISC) and PolicyLink. Specialized technical assistance will be given to 14 organizations and their partners with the goal of advancing each organization’s ability to lead successful projects that result in positive short- and long-term outcomes for their community.

Posted on by Monica

Esteemed arts administrator Arlynn “Arni” Fishbaugh will retire at the end of September after serving as executive director of Montana Arts Council for 25 years. On September 30, Arni will be honored with a Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Montana. Arni served on the board Grantmakers in the Arts for six years (2011–2016) and has also served the boards of the National Assembly of Arts Agencies, the Association of Performing Arts Presenters, and the Western States Arts Federation.

Posted on by Monica

In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader, Michael Warlum, who worked for Robert E. Gard at Wisconsin Idea Theatre, reflects on the continued influence of Gard's The Arts in the Small Community fifty years after its publication.

Posted on by Steve

In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader, “Impact Investing 101,” Rosalie Sheehy Cates and Shin Yu Pai of Philanthropy Northwest offer a primer for funders interested in exploring impact investing.

Posted on by Monica

A recent article in The Wichita Eagle states that the Wichita Arts Council is moving to a membership-based funding model:

The nonprofit that advocates for arts and culture in the community is rolling out a way for businesses and people to become official members. [Wichita Arts Council] hopes money raised from memberships will expand existing arts programs, scholarships and grants, potentially paving the way for new projects. The effort comes after cuts in state and county funding for the arts.
Posted on by Monica

A recent article in CityLab describes how Rebuild Foundation, a nonprofit run by renowned artist Theaster Gates, has contributed to neighborhood revitalization in Chicago’s South Side. The organization has purchased and converted vacant buildings into art-inspired community hubs, including a community arts center, a movie theater, a cafe, and a bookstore.

Posted on by Monica

President Obama will present the 2015 National Medals of Arts in conjunction with the National Humanities Medals on September 22, 2016 at the White House. Awards will be presented to Mel Brooks, Sandra Cisneros, Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, Morgan Freeman, Philip Glass, Berry Gordy, Santiago Jiménez, Jr., Moises Kaufman, Ralph Lemon, Audra McDonald, Luis Valdez, and Jack Whitten.

Posted on by Steve

In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader entitled “The Charitable Deduction,” author Bronwyn Mauldin of Los Angeles County Arts Commission discusses how future tax reforms might affect deductions for charitable contributions to the arts.

Posted on by Monica

The National Endowment for the Arts has released new research that for the first time offers a complete state-by-state perspective on how Americans participate in the arts. In addition, the data reveal that despite decades of declining arts attendance by U.S. adults in the performing and visual arts, more recent rates are holding steady.

Posted on by Monica

A new online tool, MuseumStat, and its corresponding iOS app called MuseumFinder map out museums across the United States and the communities they serve. The project was funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. Neville Vakharia, an assistant professor and research director of arts administration in Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts & Design led this research and development effort with a goal of not only gathering important data, but visualizing that data through an easily accessible tool to help the museum field make data-driven decisions.