GIA Blog

Posted on by Monica

A recent article in The New York Times highlights the work of individuals and organizations making impact investments in the arts, including Upstart Co-Lab, SeaChange Capital Partners, and Calvert Foundation. “Channeling investments into real estate is the easiest route … because many arts organizations have buildings and a need to upgrade or maintain them.”

Posted on by Monica

In a recent editorial in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Vu Le advocates for a “new social contract” between nonprofits and foundations in response to the recent presidential election. Le urges foundations to do away with “old ways of doing business” and offers nine ways that foundations can better support nonprofits through changes in funding practices and policies.

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

In a statement from President and CEO Rip Rapson, The Kresge Foundation reaffirms its commitment to justice and the public good: As national discourse and energy pivots from campaign mode into the realities of governance, philanthropy is particularly called upon to identify and actualize its values and missions to ensure that society heals and progresses … Continue reading Rip Rapson: “What Does Philanthropy Do Next?”

Posted on by Monica

In a statement from President and CEO Rip Rapson, The Kresge Foundation reaffirms its commitment to justice and the public good:

As national discourse and energy pivots from campaign mode into the realities of governance, philanthropy is particularly called upon to identify and actualize its values and missions to ensure that society heals and progresses in a positive, just, and affirming way.

We need, above all, to affirm, elevate, and amplify the work that we and our nonprofit, public, academic, and private sector partners do. But we also need to be crystal clear about the values that undergird our reason for being. We need to anchor our aspirations and actions in the unalterable bedrock of what we stand for.

Posted on by Steve

In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader, “Supporting Community Arts Leadership,” William Cleveland, director of the Center for the Study of Art & Community, discusses the importance of arts-based community development.

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Darren Walker, president of Ford Foundation, has issued a letter to philanthropic partners, grantees, and friends on the need for hope and dedication following the recent election: If we are to overwhelm the forces of inequality and injustice — if we are to dedicate ourselves anew to the hard and heavy lifting of building the … Continue reading Darren Walker on “Building the Beloved Community” after the Election

Posted on by Monica

Darren Walker, president of Ford Foundation, has issued a letter to philanthropic partners, grantees, and friends on the need for hope and dedication following the recent election:

If we are to overwhelm the forces of inequality and injustice — if we are to dedicate ourselves anew to the hard and heavy lifting of building the beloved community — then the cornerstone of our efforts must be hope.
Posted on by Steve

In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader entitled “Shaping a Brighter Future: the Canada Council Transforms for the Next Generation,” Simon Brault, director and CEO of the Canada Council for the Arts, writes about how the agency underwent institutional transformation with a new funding model and strategic plan to better serve a changing nation.

Posted on by Monica

By Jennifer Brown, writing for The Denver Post:

A 0.1 percent sales tax for arts and culture in Denver’s seven-county metro area passed overwhelmingly, as supporters called it a “bright ray of sunshine voters could agree on,” according to unofficial results.

The tax funds the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, which has been in existence for 28 years. Without another thumbs up from voters, it would have expired next summer. The measure — called 4B — extends the tax until 2030.

Posted on by Monica

A data dashboard published by The Chronicle of Philanthropy reveals online giving trends based on donations made via Network for Good. The dashboard breaks down the dollar amount and quantity of donations for various regions, causes, and time periods. As of November 1, 2016, “arts, culture, and humanities” ranked eleventh in number of donations (approximately 144,000) and tenth in total amount donated ($17.4 million) in a 13-month period.