Arts Education

by Steve

After several attempts over the past few years, Congress is making progress in updating the No Child Left Behind Act, also known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The Arts Education Funders Coalition has been advancing its systemic policy agenda for ESEA as part of the Senate and House process to move ESEA legislation. Just this past week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (Senate HELP) Committee approved their version of an ESEA rewrite on a unanimous 22 to 0 vote. The AEFC arts education agenda was well represented as part of this legislation.

by Steve

In January, the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH) released the results of an independent study that shows substantial gains in student achievement at schools participating in its Turnaround Arts initiative. The eight schools in the pilot phase of the initiative—showing increases in reading and math scores, as well as an increase in attendance and a decrease in suspensions—demonstrate that the program’s use of the arts is having a measurable impact on low-performing schools by increasing student engagement and narrowing the achievement gap.

by giarts-ts-admin

President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, 400 7th St, SW, Washington, DC 20506. (202) 682-5409,


by Steve

Melissa M. Menzer from the NEA Office of Research & Analysis posts to Art Works Blog:

by Steve

Coalition Purpose

Grantmakers are invited to join the Arts Education Funders Coalition
Email Address

As Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) has seen federal funding for arts education decrease, dedicated champions dwindle, and schools around the country drop art courses, leaders are working together to rethink the policy landscape and their policy agenda, with help from trusted Washington consultants. GIA has formed a coalition of arts and education grantmakers and other concerned arts organizations to research and identify federal policy opportunities that promote equitable access to arts education in all public schools.

by giarts-ts-admin

Denise Montgomery, Peter Rogouin, and Neromanie Persaud. 2013, 136 pages, The Wallace Foundation, New York


by giarts-ts-admin
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
  — Benjamin Franklin
by Steve

Doug Israel, Director of Research and Policy for The Center for Arts Education, posts to Huffington Post Education: