Arts Education

by Stan Hutton

In June 2015, Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD), California's largest K-6 district serving nearly 30,000 children, announced its decision to reinstate in-school visual and performing arts (VAPA) education at every school. With a $15 million commitment divided over three years, the district has designed a framework that uses sequential arts instruction for every student to free classroom teachers for collaboration and planning time.

by Steve

School principals are “invaluable multipliers of teaching and learning in the nation’s schools,” according to “Developing Excellent School Principals to Advance Teaching and Learning: Considerations for State Policy,” a new report commissioned by The Wallace Foundation and written by Paul Manna, a political scientist at the College of William & Mary, as well as an expert on state education policy.

by Steve

Chula Vista Elementary School District (Chula Vista, California is located just south of Dan Diego) launched an arts education expansion and teacher hiring spree this summer unlike any that local arts educators have ever seen. The district serving 30,000 students hired about 60 new art teachers in the span of a few months, and 16 arts instructor spots still remain open… The district’s unprecedented investment in arts instruction was made possible by $15 million in funding approved by the Chula Vista school board in June. The allocation flowed from Gov.

by Steve

From Megan Burbank, writing for the Portland Mercury:

by Steve

United States House of Representatives

Last week the House took up H.R. 5, the Student Success Act, for the second time after the bill was pulled from the floor in February due to lack of votes. While none of the amendments were related to arts education or our AEFC agenda, the House bill does include references to arts education as part of the local block grant in Title I and in Title II with regard to professional development. The House passed H.R. 5 by a final vote of 218-213. All Democrats and 27 Republicans voted against the bill.
by giarts-ts-admin
Presentations and white papers presented at Grantmakers for the Arts Every Child, Every School forum for funders in Minneapolis, May 7, 2015, can be found here.
by giarts-ts-admin

As part of an upcoming Thought Leader Forum titled Every School, Every Child, I was asked by Janet Brown, CEO of Grantmakers in the Arts, to spend some time with their newly released report Foundation Funding for Arts Education: An Update on Foundation Trends by Steven Lawrence, director of research, and Reina Mukai, research manager, both from the Foundation Center.

by Steve

Earlier this year, Arts Education Partnership (AEP) announced that the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Education have initiated a process for finding a new home for AEP.The NEA has now released the Program Solicitation for the AEP, a competitive process to find the AEP a new home in January 2016. The Arts Endowment requires organizations to submit their proposals electronically through, the federal government’s online application system.

by Steve

The AEFC Forum, Every Child, Every School was held in Minneapolis in early May. Attendees were treated to great presentations and reports, including the release of Foundation Funding for Arts Education: An Update on Foundation Trends, a new report from GIA and Foundation Center that looks at data from 1999-2012. Links to the reports, as well as materials from the presentations, are available on the forum page.

by Steve

Grantmakers in the Arts and Foundation Center are pleased to announce the release of a new report that provides an update to the state of arts education funding by private foundations. Foundation Funding for Arts Education: An Update on Foundation Trends puts together data from 1999 to 2012. The report was authored by Steven Lawrence and Reina Mukai of Foundation Center.