Articles & News Updates

by giarts-ts-admin

A recent article in The New York Times highlights some of the art therapy programs funded by the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities which serve veterans and their families. Given government support of veterans services, the article discusses how the success of these programs might influence conversations and decisions surrounding continuing funding for … Continue reading Can Programs that Help the Military Save the Federal Arts Agencies?

by Monica

From A little-known and cryptically named national office — the indemnity program of the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities — has often provided insurance for museums in Philadelphia and the rest of the United States for art they borrow from museums and private collectors around the country and the world. <p class="indent"Now, … Continue reading Here’s What’s at Stake for Philly Arts and Culture if the NEA and Other Agencies Get Axed

by Monica

Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas and former presidential nominee, has published an opinion article in The Washington Post offering a conservative point of view in support of the National Endowment for the Arts. Read the article.

by Monica

From Barry’s Blog, Barry Hessenius writes, “Here (IMHO) is a very brief and limited overview of what our strategy to save funding for the NEA needs to include.” Read the blog post.

by Monica

From Talking Points Memo: The National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities have long been ripe targets for conservatives looking to trim fat from the federal budget, but President Donald Trump’s newly released blueprint proposes eliminating them entirely—and arts and humanities advocates are already gearing up for a fight. Advocates … Continue reading Advocates Raise The Alarm Over Ripple Effects Of Eliminating NEH, NEA

by giarts-ts-admin

President Trump released his first federal budget plan today, as reported by The New York Times: President Trump, in his first federal budget plan, proposed eliminating the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. President Trump also proposed scrapping the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. . . . It was the … Continue reading Trump Budget Plan Released, Includes Elimination of NEA, NEH, and CPB

by giarts-ts-admin

From The New York Times: The White House budget office has drafted a hit list of programs that President Trump could eliminate to trim domestic spending, including longstanding conservative targets like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Legal Services Corporation, Americorps, and the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities. Work on the first … Continue reading Federal Budget Office Memo Seeks Elimination of Nine Programs Including NEA, NEH, CPB

by giarts-ts-admin

The early days of the Trump Administration and the 115th Congress have already begun to impact the education policy landscape. Alex Nock of Penn Hill Group has provided a summary update for Grantmakers in the Arts on current events that impact arts education and arts funding on a federal level. These events include the confirmation … Continue reading Federal Arts Education Update: DeVos, ESSA, and Arts Funding

by giarts-ts-admin

From The New York Times: The Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos on Tuesday as education secretary, approving the embattled nominee only with the help of a historic tiebreaking vote from Vice President Mike Pence. The 51-to-50 vote elevates Ms. DeVos — a wealthy donor from Michigan who has devoted much of her life to expanding educational … Continue reading Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary

by giarts-ts-admin

Laura Zucker, executive director of Los Angeles County Arts Commission and current GIA board member, was recently interviewed alongside Romina Boccia of The Heritage Foundation about the motivations and potential impacts of eliminating federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The … Continue reading Laura Zucker Interviewed with Heritage Foundation Rep on Possibility of Federal Arts Funding Cuts