Funders Statements

by giarts-ts-admin

A recent blog post written by Executive Vice President Mariët Westermann of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation voices support for the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities. She discusses the billions of dollars in grants made possible by collaboration between private funders (including Mellon) and the Endowments and argues that many arts initiatives and … Continue reading Mellon Foundation EVP on Why We Need the NEA and the NEH

by giarts-ts-admin

In a recent blog post, The Heinz Endowments President Grant Oliphant writes about the power of arts, journalism, and courage in times of political conflict. In the spirit of this idea, the Endowments have increased their arts grantmaking budget: For our part, the Endowments has decided to increase its normal grantmaking in the arts and … Continue reading Heinz Endowments President on the Power of Arts and Journalism, Increases Arts Spending $1.5M

by giarts-ts-admin

GIA member and California Humanities CEO Julie Fry recently penned an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle urging the importance of federal arts funding: The arts and humanities are good for the success of young people and good for the economy, and we all benefit from that. As Johnson said back in 1965, this is … Continue reading Julie Fry Publishes Op-Ed on the Importance of Federal Arts Funding

by giarts-ts-admin

On her blog, Better Together, Grantmakers in the Arts President & CEO Janet Brown offers a moment of reflection and encouragement for arts funders in this time of transition: “In times of change and instability, there is also opportunity — opportunity to defend our values and more deeply assess whether those values are being implemented … Continue reading The Timeless Hope of Values and Mission

by giarts-ts-admin

In a statement from President and CEO Rip Rapson, The Kresge Foundation reaffirms its commitment to justice and the public good: As national discourse and energy pivots from campaign mode into the realities of governance, philanthropy is particularly called upon to identify and actualize its values and missions to ensure that society heals and progresses … Continue reading Rip Rapson: “What Does Philanthropy Do Next?”

by giarts-ts-admin

Darren Walker, president of Ford Foundation, has issued a letter to philanthropic partners, grantees, and friends on the need for hope and dedication following the recent election: If we are to overwhelm the forces of inequality and injustice — if we are to dedicate ourselves anew to the hard and heavy lifting of building the … Continue reading Darren Walker on “Building the Beloved Community” after the Election