Private Foundation

Private Foundation

by giarts-ts-admin

2006, 66 pages. Haigh-Scatena Foundation, P.O. Box 4399, Davis, CA 95617, 530-758-5327

This book by Ronald W. Clement, who has worked as both a grantmaker and grant seeker, details ways in which grantmakers can foster social change. Clement uses his forty years of experience in the field of social change to elucidate the obstacles that funders face

by giarts-ts-admin

2006, 90 pages, Grantmakers for Education, 720 S.W. Washington St., Suite 605, Portland, OR 97205, 503-595-2100,

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by giarts-ts-admin

Over the past few years, foundations of all kinds have been paying increasing attention to ways their resources can have greater impact by effecting policy and systems change. This trend has led foundations to reassess how they do their work and who their likely partners are. As a result, a body of knowledge within philanthropy is being created about how to successfully draw on foundation resources to change policy.

by giarts-ts-admin

Re-imagining Orchestras: A forthright report on the mixed results of one foundation's efforts

Stan Hutton

by giarts-ts-admin

New Year's Day, 1980, found Arlene Goldbard living in Washington, D.C. monitoring and reporting on our nation's de facto cultural policy. The fact that Arlene was doing this says a lot about the leadership role that many of us were counting on the federal government to play in leveling the field so that our many U.S. cultures would have an equal chance to express themselves, to develop, and, inevitably, to cross-pollinate. It was a substantial and beautiful vision then, and remains so today.

by giarts-ts-admin

When we visit our physicians, we naturally assume they bring a bundle of knowledge and insight to the meeting. For one thing, we expect them to bring a broad and nuanced understanding of human physiology, and how its many interconnecting systems (circulatory, respiratory, muscle, nervous, lymphatic, and so on) influence our health and well being. We also expect that they know how and where to look for indicators of our health (taking our temperature, testing our blood pressure, checking our blood for chemical balances).

by giarts-ts-admin

2004, 171 pages. Commissioned by Association of Performing Arts Presenters, Washington, D.C. 20063.

by giarts-ts-admin

When Kathy Freshley (The Meyer Foundation), Marian Godfrey (The Pew Charitable Trusts), and Janet Sarbaugh (Heinz Endowments) planned a roundtable discussion, "General Operating Support: Making It Strategic," for GIA's 2006 annual conference in Boston they imagined that they would greet a small, if passionate, group of familiar GIA members that Wednesday at 8 a.m. Instead, the session turned out to be one of the conference's true dark-horse surprises. Over fifty people showed up!