Grantmakers in the Arts

by Jaime Sharp

"Join Submittable with philanthropy leader Storme Gray in a discussion about how emerging social impact leaders can unlock the right doors and keep them open." "What do emerging leaders in philanthropy need to succeed? And what can current leadership learn from the up-and-coming generation?"

by Jaime Sharp

For the month of June, GIA’s photo banner features work supported by ArtsBuild.

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

"In the same city where state lawmakers passed the strictest trans healthcare ban in the nation, members of a Black, trans and queer-led organization cracked jokes, blew bubbles, played cards, found compassion and community during a recent sunny Sunday afternoon at Shakespeare Park in Montgomery, Ala," said author Jonece Starr Dunigan for the Reckon.

by Jaime Sharp

From the Wallace Foundation: "As a part of The Wallace Foundation’s five-year initiative intended to support arts organizations rooted in communities of color as they explore strategies for achieving organizational resilience (ability to adapt and thrive) while retaining their relevance (mattering to their communities), the Foundation invites arts service organizations serving and prioritizing such arts organizations to propose research projects that answer important questions related to the arts communities they serve."

by Jaime Sharp

"Organized philanthropy, like most things, looks different on the inside than it does from the outside," said author Nicholas Lemann in a recent article for the New Yorker. “'Philanthropy' comes from the Greek for 'love of humanity,' and public perceptions of it have usually centered on donors and how humanity-loving they really are. The good guys are generous rich people who give to causes we all approve of, like combatting climate change; the bad guys give in order to launder their reputations (like the opioid-promoting Sackler family) or to advance unsavory goals (like the anti-environmentalist Kochs). Either way, the salient questions about philanthropy, for most people, have to do with the size and the quality of a donor’s heart and soul."

by Jaime Sharp

Authors Aja Couchois Duncan and Kad Smith explore how, "in our nonprofit sector, we are often confronted with making sense of the widespread translatability of cultural moments and forces. We don’t have to look far to see how cancel culture informs the way in which we experience everyday interactions on the Internet and in real life." How can we separate ourselves from toxicity, and bring healing instead?

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

"Please join Chair Maria Rosario Jackson and NEA partners for an overview of the NEA’s Equity Action Plan," on Wednesday, June 1 from 2-3pm ET via zoom. The session is free, but registration is required. Questions for the panel will be accepted until May 27.

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

Congratulations to GIA's Support for Individual Artists co-chair Celeste Smith, who was selected for the Bridging Fellows Program. "The Bridging Fellows program provides changemakers in Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Dallas the opportunity to strengthen their individual and collective leadership capacity and grow networks to support building healthy and equitable communities."