Grantmakers in the Arts

by GIA News

(5-26-10) Knight of the Realm and stand-up comic, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning -- creating conditions where kids' natural talents can flourish.

by Janet

(5-26-10) Like so many of us, I’m concerned about what’s happening in Arizona. I’m concerned for a couple reasons. First, I believe the law they passed is unconstitutional and poor public policy. It is evidence of a state attempting to make national policy. There are already some pretty poor laws on state books as examples of this. State thinks its legal, the fed thinks its not. Makes great business for lawyers on both sides.

by GIA News

(5-24-10) A joint effort of various California arts funders, the Creative Capacity Fund and its Quick Grant Program provides reimbursement funds to arts administrators and individual artists in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Los Angeles to enroll in workshops, attend conferences locally and nationally, and to work with consultants and coaches in order to build administrative capacity, hone their business skills, and strengthen the economic sustainability of an organization or arts practice.

by GIA News

(5-21-10) Robert Booker, executive director of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, responds to requests for his position on recently enacted laws from the state of Arizona:

by GIA News

(5-21-10) In yesterday's Wall Street Journal, Shelly Banjo profiled two West Coast museums that have averted breaking apart collections, closure, and other forms of institutional disaster by partnering with nearby universities. Banjo sites the pandemic of strained museum finances that resulted from the boom-time building and executive pay expansions that, in 2008, were abruptly sideswiped by the recession.

by GIA News

(5-19-10) In a recent survey, GrantCraft shared reflections from eight foundation leaders on this question, then asked others to weigh in. Over 1,500 of you responded, including many stakeholders in philanthropy, nonprofits, and government. A report is now available outlining the results. From GrantCraft:

by GIA News

(5-19-10) The Tennessee Arts Commission has received numerous reports of damage caused by recent flooding in West and Middle Tennessee. The Commission will offer any assistance possible, by making information resources available to artists and arts organizations affected by this disaster. The contact person at the Commission is Hal Partlow. He will be fielding questions, collecting information about specific situations, and directing constituents to appropriate resources.

by GIA News

(5-18-10) Further to our April 28 post, "Nonprofit 'Doomsday'", based on a New York Times story on the 2006 Pension Protection Act, the new filing requirements for charitable organizations, and the impending loss of nonprofit status to the thousands of charities who are not in compliance:

The Internal Revenue Service has announced that it will help small charities keep their tax-exempt status even if they missed the May 17 deadline for filing a new online form...