Grantmakers in the Arts

by GIA News

(2-10-2011) This week, LINC and the Ford Foundation announced awards of up to $100,000 to 12 nonprofits seeking start-up funds for arts and cultural facilities. The grants were made through the Space for Change program, which is designed to help grantees deepen their planning processes and leverage a stronger position as collaborative partners with municipalities, developers, and local stakeholders, while also expanding their national network of peers.

by GIA News

(2-10-2011) British research shows that consumers and do-it-yourselfers surpass what UK businesses invest in R&D for consumer products. What might the organizational equivalent be? Is there an untapped wealth of innovative practice developed by "amateur" nonprofit managers who are making it up as they go along?

by GIA News

(2-9-2011) Miller-McCune reports on The State of State Arts Agencies:

by GIA News

(2-9-2011) Just in time for GIA's upcoming Web Conference on retaining emerging arts leaders in the field—stay tuned; registration for this opens on Friday—is Maureen Walsh's article on the challenges of effectively engaging the next generation of arts professionals.

by GIA News

(2-9-2011) Robert Lynch on Huffington Post:

One of the largest arts audience activities of the year happened earlier this week. Thousands of artists from around the United States and throughout the world prepared for months for this single event on one night in February. It's called the Super Bowl...

by Janet

(2-8-2011) There are two GIAs: Grantmakers in Aging and Grantmakers in the Arts. Two weeks ago, we came together to sponsor "Discovery in the Desert: Creativity and Healthy Aging," a daylong regional workshop for funders in Phoenix, AZ.

by GIA News

(2-8-2011) The GIA website now features a new Arts Funding Topic, Arts & Aging. Like other Arts Funding Topics, online content is available in one easy location, GIA is sponsoring a thought leader forum on the subject April 6, in Washington, D.C. So more is to come soon on this Arts Funding Topic.

by GIA News

(2-8-2011) The Professional Development for Arts Educators (PDAE) Grant Program at the U.S. Department of Education seeks application reviewers for its upcoming grant competition, scheduled to begin in late April or May 2011. Reviewers will receive an honorarium based on the number of applications reviewed.