Grantmakers in the Arts

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

The Legislative Theatre partnered with Haringey Council and Arts & Homelessness International, "for a special performance on homelessness practice and services in Haringey." The full performance is now available to stream on YouTube.

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

"Upstart Co-Lab connects impact investing to fashion, food, film & TV, video games and other creative industries to drive deep social and environmental impact, commercial viability and an innovative edge."

by Jaime Sharp in Racial Equity

"Over the past few years, companies made it their mission to commit to diversifying their boards and fostering a more inclusive culture. But, with women holding just 24% of senior leadership positions globally, and white people making up almost 80% of the American workforce, there is still work to be done," said author Ashton Jackson for Make It Black. "That's why Lybra Clemons, chief diversity, inclusion and belonging officer at Twilio, works to build diverse representation at every level."

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

"June 24th, 2022 was a dark day in our fight for liberation of Black bodies and for Black power," said Jasmine Williams for Interaction Institute for Social Change. "Reproductive justice is centrally linked to Black liberation: it is our right to know our bodies, make decisions about our bodies, and feel safe in our bodies. Self-determination has been challenged, disregarded, and disrespected. To my Black sisters, trans brothers, and gender-non-conforming kin: I rage with you, cry with you, and continue the work of building a world in service of our liberation with you today and all days."

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

"Indigenous communities face multi-level hurdles to thriving in U.S. financial systems. First, communities are governed by both the U.S. and their tribal affiliations, which creates unique structures for each group. But laws harken back to a toxic mixture of treaties and broken promises, leaving many without the foundation for financial stability," said author Hadassah Patterson for Next City. "Adding to this are a hodge-podge of modern-day legislative gaps, policy bias and lack of access to financial services."

by Jaime Sharp in Arts and Environment

From the National Endowment for the Arts, "This Arts Data Profile gives national and state-level estimates of artists in the workforce. The figures derive from American Community Survey (ACS) data covering 2015-2019. The ACS is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. State-level estimates are available for the total number of artists and for each individual type of artist (workers in any of 13 specific artist occupations)."

by Jaime Sharp in Arts and Environment

From The Center for Effective Philanthropy: "Despite the urgency of climate change and the narrowing window for action, philanthropic funding to address climate change remains very limited. Total philanthropic giving by foundations and individuals focused on climate change mitigation represents less than two percent of total global philanthropic giving, according to the ClimateWorks Foundation. While there is some evidence of increased momentum in recent years, more action will be needed to match the scale of the climate crisis."

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

"In the face of compounding historical traumas, environmental collapse, and chronic uncertainty, we know as a species that we need something radically different. Yet, many of us feel the pain of not knowing where to begin. In this course, we will explore and exercise our creative muscle in order to strengthen our visionary self. When we create as a form of prayer, the space inside and between us becomes a sanctuary. The opening of portals for futures unknown."