Grantmakers in the Arts

by Jaime Sharp in Arts and Disability

From Disability and Philanthropy Forum: In this excerpt from the Disability & Philanthropy Forum’s Learning Series webinar “Grantmaking for Disability: Where Are the Dollars?”, Jen Bokoff, Director of Development for the Disability Rights Fund, provides three examples of where she’s seen ableism play out in philanthropy and how the exclusion of disabled perspectives creates a “marginalization gap.” Click here to view the full webinar.

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

From the Intercultural Leadership Institute: We are excited to announce the guidelines and application for the sixth cohort of the Intercultural Leadership Institute (ILI), a collaborative program of Alternate ROOTSFirst Peoples FundNational Association of Latino Arts & Cultures (NALAC) PA’I FoundationSipp Culture

by Jaime Sharp in Emergency Readiness, Response, and Recovery

From A Collaborative Blog Presented by CERF+, NCAPER, and NYFA: The COVID-19 pandemic and other emergencies, including severe storms, drought, wildfire, and theft, require us to change how we work and communicate. That makes preparedness more critical now than ever before for artists to protect their practice. But what exactly is preparedness? It’s taking steps NOW to help protect yourself and your assets before an emergency so you’re more resilient and able to bounce back quickly. Artists in ALL disciplines have assets to be protected!

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

From Ford Foundation: Join us on Tuesday, October 31 from 6-8pm for an artists’ talk with Stephanie Dinkins and Mimi Ọnụọha. The artists will speak about their work featured in What Models Make Worlds: Critical Imaginaries of AI in conversation with moderator Salome Asega, director of NEW INC. 

by Jaime Sharp in Emergency Readiness, Response, and Recovery

From Pam Breaux for NASAA: "I recently joined state arts agency leaders for the NASAA 2023 Learning Series session, Leading in the Face of Disaster. We all know that unexpected disasters are often devastating for communities, and the arts community is certainly no exception. Whether we’re thinking about weather and climate disasters like floods, fires and hurricanes or about other kinds of emergencies, in the aftermath of catastrophe there are important roles state arts agencies can play, especially to help the arts community connect to resources and pertinent information needed to begin recovering."

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

From Surdna Foundation: Join us at the Surdna Foundation for light bites and a panel discussion with Nonprofit Quarterly.

You'll hear from NPQ editors, authors, and movement leaders exploring themes from NPQ's latest economic justice issue about how movements today are advancing economic justice, and how grassroots efforts can be amplified by resourcing a national media platform.

Panelists will be in conversation with NPQ editors Steve Dubb and Rithika Ramamurthy:

by Jaime Sharp in Social Justice

From Justice Funders: A new model for philanthropy, the Just Transition Integrated Capital Fund offers foundations a learning vehicle to move endowed assets to BIPOC and working class controlled funds and grassroots projects through non-extractive financing in the form of 0% loans and catalytic grants.

by Jaime Sharp in Community Arts

The Zellerbach Family Foundation is thrilled to welcome Chibueze Crouch as its first Community Arts Fellow. An Igbo-American artist & writer, Chibueze Crouch (they/she) performs and creates immersive, experimental live art spanning ritual theater, song, movement, video, and text.