From Diep Tran at American Theatre Magazine:
Grantmakers in the Arts
The NEA Chairman blogs from Alaska:
The Creative Center at University Settlement Training Institute for Artists and Administrators in Creative Aging will be held on November 13-18, 2011 in Speyer Hall at the University Settlement, 184 Eldridge Street, New York City, NY.
This Institute will focus on the growing field of creative aging and will provide both a theoretical and didactic approach to implementing and sustaining high quality arts programming in a variety of settings serving older adults, from senior centers to long term residential settings for the frail elderly. Artists, as well as arts, senior center and nursing home administrators, will be given everything they need to implement and sustain an arts program in healthcare facilities, senior centers, residential settings, and other senior programs.
As a guest blogger for The Communications Network, Larry Blumenthal of Open Road Advisors recommends that foundations show their human side through their social media channels.
I am here to tell you, however, that it can be done. Foundations, and similar policy-oriented, research-based organizations, can provide a little glimpse behind the scenes, offer some humor, some light-heartedness, even admit they don’t have all the answers, without letting go of their serious missions to make the world a better place.
The Opinion section of The New York Times is hosting a discussion on the subject of admission increases at the Museum of Modern Art as well as the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Grumbling over the rising cost of admission at MoMA is a New York tradition. But it remains one of the city's most popular sites, attracting a record 3.1 million visitors last year. And it is growing, with a deal in 2007 that will add 40,000 square feet of gallery space and a decision in May to buy the American Folk Art Museum building next door for $31 million.
From Elizabeth Kramer at the Louisville Courier-Journal:
More than a year ago, Kentucky’s arts advocacy organization bit the dust. It ran out of money when the economy went into recession, and by last summer what was known as Arts Kentucky was dissolved.
From James C. McKinley Jr. at The New York Times:
Please join us tomorrow, September 13, at 2:00 EDT/11:00 PDT for Arts Funding Snapshot: GIA's Annual Research on Support for Arts and Culture, a web-based presentation by Steven Lawrence, Kelly J. Barsdate, Holly Sidford, and Alexis Frasz, moderated by our own Tommer Peterson.
About this webinar:
The 2011 issue of GIA’s annual Arts Funding Snapshot, slated for publication in late September 2011, will include Foundation Grants to Arts and Culture 2009, based on Foundation Center data; Public Funding for the Arts 2011 Update, prepared by NASAA; and An Overview of Private Arts Philanthropy's Response to Changes in Public Funding, produced by Helicon Collaborative. Web conference registrants will receive these publications in advance.