The Nonprofit Finance Fund is hosting a webinar called The Case for Change Capital in the Arts: Building Vibrant and viable Cultural Organizations. Presented by NFF's Rodney Christopher and Rebecca Thomas, the webinar will take place 3:00pm EDT / noon PDT on Thursday, April 19. Also participating in the webinar presentation are Cynthia Hedstrom and Jamie Poskin of The Wooster Group, and Amanda Nelson and Thomas Cott of Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation.
Grantmakers in the Arts
From Patricia Cohen at The New York Times:
The Friday installment of the weeklong Clout: A Blogfest on Art and Political Power is penned by Dudley Cocke, artistic director of Roadside Theater and a former GIA Board member:
This raises the question of how, in our democracy, the majority of us have become subjugated to a wealthy minority of us. When we talk about the arts gaining political power, I think this is the bigger problem we need to address, and I’m worried that we’ve lost the democratic infrastructure to pursue a solution.
Ariel Schwartz for Co.Exist:
The latest installment of the online discussion Clout: A Blogfest on Art and Political Power is Ra Joy, executive director of Arts Alliance Illinois:
Theatre Bay Area has published Counting New Beans: Intrinsic Impact and the Value of Art, a book that builds from “Measuring the Intrinsic Impact of Live Theatre,” the final report of a two-year national research study, prepared by research firm WolfBrown. Interviews with 20 prominent artistic directors, as well as essays by Diane Ragsdale, Arlene Goldbard, Rebecca Novick and others, are all available in the book.
From Marjorie Pritchard at
The Atlanta Contemporary Art Center (ACAC) announced that Lisa Cremin is the recipient of the third annual Nexus Award. Cremin is the founding director of the Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund at The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta. She will receive the Nexus Award at a celebration at ACAC on Thursday, May 24, 2012.