Philanthropic practice

by giarts-ts-admin

When the Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) set out to produce MicroFest USA: Revitalize, Reconnect, Renew, we wanted to look at the positive impact that art and artists were having on communities around the country. Our intent was twofold: to acknowledge and advance the pioneering and current work of ensemble theaters committed to community-based practice and positive community change (placemaking), and to foster mutual learning with a wider spectrum of artists, cultural workers, and community partners also contributing to community well-being and social change (placemakers).

by giarts-ts-admin

Success Looks Different Now: Design and Cultural Vitality in Lower Manhattan is a fluently argued report published in June 2013 by the Architectural League of New York about cultural infrastructure needs in Lower Manhattan.

by giarts-ts-admin
This article, examining the ecology of funders’ use of intermediaries and regranting organizations, came about as a direct offshoot of GIA’s Research Initiative on Support for Individual Artists, begun in 2011. As the research team worked to map the pathways that support followed from funder to artist, a complex map of options and routes began to emerge, and intermediaries and regranters were often part of that picture. It became increasingly clear that this was an essential and important part of the overall system.
by giarts-ts-admin

February 2014, pages. Tucson Pima Arts Council, The Pioneer Building, 100 N. Stone Avenue, Suite 303, Tucson, AZ 85701, (520) 624-0595,

by giarts-ts-admin

December 2013, 28 pages. The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, Lewis Hall 210, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0626, (213) 740-9492,


by giarts-ts-admin

Holly Sidford, Laura Lewis Mandeles, and Alan Rapp. 2013, 219 pages, Leveraging Investments in Creativity

by giarts-ts-admin

Imagine what would happen…

If you started with a century-old, robust, and diverse arts and culture community…
added new grant funds for innovative, large-scale projects completed in teams…
and then invited area residents to participate in selecting the projects that would receive funds.

What would you get?

by giarts-ts-admin


   Building a Resilient Sector (9.2Mb)

One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore.
— André Gide
by giarts-ts-admin

American artists are still emerging from a bumptious cycle of structural downs and ups and institutional changes. Since the watershed of the culture wars in the early 1990s, diverse publics and legislative bodies have questioned artists’ purposes and contributions. Supporters — patrons, funders, friends — have scrambled to help them survive. In ways that may be a great blessing, an older, constraining preoccupation with artistic excellence and peer-judged grants has eroded. More inclusive notions of who artists are and of their many missions are taking root.