2010 Grantmakers in the Arts Conference

by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on……………” The Arts Education PreConference Sunday was a glorious day in downtown Chicago. Blue skies, sunshine. What an absolutely spectacular city. The Arts Ed PreConference centered on one of the more difficult challenges of … Continue reading

by Andrew Taylor

The Grantmakers in the Arts conference in Chicago is swirling around the question of capital and capitalization in the arts. So, we might as well define what exactly that is. Continue reading

by Arlene Goldbard

Shine on me Let the light shine on me The Black Monks of Mississippi I spent the day at Grantmakers in The Arts’ Support for Individual Artists preconference (entitled Artists and Grantmakers: A Shared Enterprise). Dozens of artists and funders … Continue reading

by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on…………………….” Funders in Flux: I’m off to the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference in Chicago. Funders — government, corporate and foundation — from all over the country, gathering to make some sense of the … Continue reading

by Andrew Taylor

I'm thrilled to be an 'official' blogger for the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference, and particularly thrilled that there's a special emphasis on the impact of capital investment and infrastructure... Continue reading

by Arlene Goldbard

Any enterprise can form a perfect setting for the human comedy. Generations of writers have drawn existential parables from offices, ocean liners, classrooms, farms, and operating theaters. But the philanthropic field seems especially rich—indeed, downright operatic. I think that’s because … Continue reading

by Tommer

GIA is pleased to have three influential bloggers covering the 2010 conference; Andrew Taylor, Director of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration, an MBA degree program and research center in the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business and author of … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Former Director California Arts Council, President California Assembly of Local Arts Agencies, and Executive Director of LINES Ballet. Author, consultant, blogger and public speaker. Barry published his work Hardball Lobbying for Nonprofits in 2007 (Macmillan & Company, New York). He … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

A provocative independent voice for our times, Arlene Goldbard is a writer, social activist, and consultant who works for justice, compassion and honor in every sphere, from the interpersonal to the transnational. Arlene’s essays have appeared in such journals as … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

Andrew Taylor is Director of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration, an MBA degree program and research center in the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business. An author, lecturer, and researcher on a broad range of arts management issues, Andrew … Continue reading