Forum on Equity in Arts Funding

by giarts-ts-admin

by Maria Rosario Jackson (bio), senior research associate, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, Urban Institute In recent conferences that have dealt with the topic of equity like this year’s Grantmakers in the Arts Conference and the PolicyLink Equity Summit … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by Barbara Schaffer Bacon (bio), co-director, Animating Democracy, Americans for the Arts “Great art rewards sustained attention.” This simple theory comes from philosopher Marcia Muelder Eaton, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota. In my personal experience, it is true. … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by Justin Laing (bio), program officer, Arts & Culture Program, The Heinz Endowments For me, one of the most useful elements of NCRP’s Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change was the section titled “A Funding Typology and Pathways to Change” … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by Judi Jennings (bio), executive director, Kentucky Foundation for Women Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change is a wake up call to our field. The report shows that only 10% of grants of $10,000 or more given by private foundations … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by Marta Moreno Vega (bio), president and founder, The Carribean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute; adjunct professor, arts and public policy, Tisch School for the Arts, New York University Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change: High Impact Strategies for Philanthropy … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by Aaron Dorfman (bio), executive director, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the amount of attention Fusing Art, Culture and Social Change, NCRP’s most recent report, has generated. More than 200 media outlets have run stories … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by Jesse Rosen (bio), president & CEO, League of American Orchestras I heartily support the NCRP report’s recommendation that philanthropic investment in the arts should benefit underserved communities and promote greater equity, opportunity, and justice. But I take issue with … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by MK Wegmann, president and CEO, National Performance Network In response to the question “Can intermediaries be more successful than institutionalized funders in supporting the organic process of art making within the communities described as marginalized by the NCRP report, … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by F. Javier Torres (bio), senior program officer for arts and culture, The Boston Foundation I arrived in the world of philanthropy in 2011 after almost six years overseeing a multidisciplinary art program that is part of an affordable housing … Continue reading

by giarts-ts-admin

by Roberto Bedoya (bio), executive director, Tucson Pima Arts Council “Nothing concedes without a demand.” Frederick Douglas In the area of equitable grant-making what are the demands being made? Who is making the demands? Who is responding to the demands? … Continue reading