Arts Funders Respond

by Monica

From Robert W. Deutsch Foundation: From political dissent and protests against injustice, to influencing the public discourse and criticizing actions of the government, artists and cultural workers have been at the forefront of social change using creativity to help shift the way people think about the world. Now more than ever, artists and cultural workers need to … Continue reading Funders Collaborate to Host Training on Digital Security for Artists

by Monica

In response to federal policy changes, the City of Seattle has formed a Rapid Response Policy Coalition, a group of City staff, private sector attorneys, non-profit staff, and other policy experts to offer analyses and action items on federal executive orders and legislation. The coalition has published a number of articles detailing the potential local … Continue reading City of Seattle Forms Rapid Response Policy Coalition

by Monica

Funders have shown interest in offering resources for artists related to safety, security, and legal issues in the current political climate. For example, the Center for Cultural Innovation, a GIA member, has recently collaborated with the National Lawyers Guild to present a “Know Your Rights” workshop for artists interested in engaging in civil disobedience. Read … Continue reading Center for Cultural Innovation Hosts “Know Your Rights” Training for Artists in Protest

by giarts-ts-admin

Ford Foundation President Darren Walker has recently published an op-ed on The Hill in support of the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities: Of course, there is something at stake here much greater than the economic impact of public support for the arts. In a time of discordant political discourse — of competing, conflicting … Continue reading Darren Walker: The Arts Are Not Just a “Special Interest”

by giarts-ts-admin

A recent article in The New York Times highlights some of the art therapy programs funded by the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities which serve veterans and their families. Given government support of veterans services, the article discusses how the success of these programs might influence conversations and decisions surrounding continuing funding for … Continue reading Can Programs that Help the Military Save the Federal Arts Agencies?

by Monica

From A little-known and cryptically named national office — the indemnity program of the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities — has often provided insurance for museums in Philadelphia and the rest of the United States for art they borrow from museums and private collectors around the country and the world. <p class="indent"Now, … Continue reading Here’s What’s at Stake for Philly Arts and Culture if the NEA and Other Agencies Get Axed

by Monica

Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas and former presidential nominee, has published an opinion article in The Washington Post offering a conservative point of view in support of the National Endowment for the Arts. Read the article.

by giarts-ts-admin

An op-ed by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation President Earl Lewis discusses the unique role that the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities play in funding arts and culture initiatives across the country. Lewis highlights ways the Endowments have enriched society and filled a niche in the funding arena – supporting programs in underfunded rural … Continue reading Mellon President Earl Lewis Pens Op-Ed in Support of NEA and NEH

by Monica

From Barry’s Blog, Barry Hessenius writes, “Here (IMHO) is a very brief and limited overview of what our strategy to save funding for the NEA needs to include.” Read the blog post.

by giarts-ts-admin

In a new blog post at The McKnight Foundation, Arts Program Director Vickie Benson makes the case that the National Endowment for the Arts continues to illuminate the power of the arts, and that our communities are better off because of their work: I’ve seen the fierce battles over these arts and cultural agencies play … Continue reading Vickie Benson on Why Our Communities Need the NEA