Digest: Studies, Books, Web Sites, and Other Publications
2007, 33 pages. City of Santa Monica, Community and Cultural Services Dept., 1437 4th Street, Suite 310, PO Box 2200, Santa Monica, CA 90407
Read More...2007, 9 Pages. The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education, 1201 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 822-7840, www.neafoundation.org
PDF online: www.neafoundation.org
2007, 17 pages. Oregon Arts Commission, 775 Summer Street NE, Suite 200, Salem, Oregon 97301, (503) 986-0082
Read More...2007, 27 pages. Grantcraft, The Ford Foundation, 320 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017, (212) 573-4879, www.grantcraft.org
PDF online: www.grantcraft.com
2004, 171 pages. Commissioned by Association of Performing Arts Presenters, Washington, D.C. 20063.
Read More...2007, 304 pages, $24.97. Random House, New York.
Writers set a rigorous challenge for themselves when they write books about how to communicate well. The book itself must be a sound example of good communication, or the reader will discount it from page one. In the same vein, writing a book about how to effectively communicate ideas and make them stick sets the bar even higher: the book must be both well written and memorable. Made to Stick easily passes both of these tests.
2007, 304 pages, $24.97. Random House, New York.
Read More...Copies of the report may be obtained from the Alliance of Artists' Communities, 210 SE 50th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97215
The Alliance of Artists' Communities released American Creativity at Risk: Restoring Creativity as a Priority in Public Policy, Cultural Philanthropy, and Education. The report documents a symposium held in November, 1996 and attended by artists, educators, administrators, critics, and grantmakers.
Read More...National Arts Stabilization , 30 South Charles Street, Suite 1515, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, 410-332-1900, natarts[at[flash.net
Read More...Do you have a favorite Web site that might be of interest to other arts grantmakers? Natasha Terk (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation) wrote about one that intrigues her. Let us know about your favorites.
Tired of one-sided dance criticism? A San Francisco-based Web site takes action. Check out Voice of Dance.
Read More...The book was published by Americans for the Arts' Institute for Community Development and the Arts. Copies may be ordered from the organization at 100 Vermont Avenue N.W., 12th floor, Washington, D.C. 20005.