Digest: Studies, Books, Web Sites, and Other Publications
May 2010, 49 pages. Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Box 90524, Durham, NC, 27708, 919-613-7432 www.sanford.duke.edu
Read More...Published in Stanford Social Innovation Review, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Summer 2009, 7pg.
The Equity Capital Gap (308Kb)
In the aftermath of the economic tsunami, many non-profit organisations will be called upon to do more with less. As in past recessions, they will work to protect a mounting roster of victims from hunger, homelessness, ill-health and physical abuse.
Board members, donors and managers in the social sector will need to summon their courage and embrace an “equity ethic” to ensure that they and the organisations they support will be able to stay the course for the people who need them. To do so, they will need to tame one of their strongest impulses: to do more.
2009, 128 pages. Arts Economy Initiative, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, and the University of Minnesota.
Read More...2009, 34 pages, The Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network, 2700 F St., NW, Washington, DC 20566, 202-416-8817, www.kennedy-center.org/education/kcaaen
Read More...2009, 13 pages. Foundation Center, 79 fifth Ave. New York, NY. 10003,
212-807-3677, www.foundationcenter.org