Other publications

Other publications

by Steve

Beyond Enrichment tackles important issues facing arts education: school reform, artist training, curriculum standards, partnerships, and the building blocks of long-term change. It includes essays by and interviews with more than 40 leaders in the field—administrators, artists, educators, foundation officials, and others. The book also features case studies of arts education programs and a wealth of personal insights, stories, and strategies.

by Steve

This book offers insight into how to establish the arts in schools and use them as a vehicle for school renewal at the same time. The author makes a convincing case for the important role of visual arts, music, dance, drama, and architecture in educating our youth.

284 pp, paperback (1990, Americans for the Arts)

by Steve

This handbook describes how partnerships between local cultural agencies, schools, businesses, and other sectors of the community can make a positive impact on arts education. Learn how 11 communities built their local partnerships, and how you can adapt similar programs to your community.

40pp, saddle-stitched paper (1995, Americans for the Arts' Institute for Community Development and the Arts)

Available online from Americans for the Arts

by Steve

This important new study, released in June 2002, demonstrates conclusively that the nonprofit arts industry has a significant economic impact on local and national economies. And, for the first time, in addition to spending by arts organizations, information has been gathered on event-related spending by arts audiences. Americans for the Arts worked with 91 community partners from across the U.S. to collect expenditure data for this study.

by Steve

This timeless resource helps identify and define the philosophical foundations and practice principles of community arts development. It captures and shares the creative and pioneering efforts that drive the movement and provides insight and expertise for people working in rural and small communities.

135pp, paperback (1992, Center for Community and Cultural Studies, Columbia College)

by Steve

This book takes a fresh and positive approach to understanding the arts as essential for creating authentic and sustained community. While it focuses on development in rural and small communities, it is an inspiration for individuals and organizations large and small.

160pp, paperback (1997, PrairieSea Press)

by Steve

Ralph Smith, the 2007 Conference Chairman, issued a challenge in his welcome message – “that all who attend will leave with renewed energy, capacity and resolve to make a positive contribution toward meeting the challenges of our time.”

by Steve

Foundations think they're doing the right thing by requiring grantees to form partnerships with each other. There are, however, two sides to every story, and grantees share their stories of frustration here.

Free online from the Stanford Social Innovation Review.


by giarts-ts-admin

2010, 72 pages, The Urban Institute, 2100 M Street NW, Washington, D.C., 20037, (202) 833-7200 http://www.urban.org


by Steve

The president and CEO of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors discusses what's on the minds of the people who control philanthropy's purse strings.

Available free online from Stanford Social Innovation Review.


   15 Minutes with Melissa Berman (238Kb)