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Other publications

by giarts-ts-admin

104 pages, November 2009. National Endowment for the Arts, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20506, (202) 682-5400.


by Steve

Report on the efforts following the 500 year floods that occurred in the Red River and Minnesota River Valleys in Minnesota and North Dakota in 1997. It serves as a report on the progress made and can also serve as a blueprint for other communities.


   When the Hot Dishes Stop Coming (191Kb)

by Steve

ARTWorks for Kids, part of the Hunt Alternatives Fund, garners sustained private and public support of arts organizations in Eastern Massachusetts and promotes the arts in classrooms, afterschool programs, and the larger community. This brochure is aimed at arts education advocacy.


   Making the Policy Case for Public Investment in Youth Arts (564Kb)

by Steve

In 2006, the Wisconsin Arts Board (WAB) looked back at the five towns that participated in the first "access" grant funded by the National Endowment for the Arts in the late 1960s. This was a seminal rural arts development program managed by the University of Wisconsin's Office of Community Arts Development at the College of Agriculture. The WAB study included interviews with elderly local artists, archival documents, a survey conducted in 1973 and replicated in 20052, and conversations with some of the field's earliest practitioners.

by Steve

This arts and culture grantmaking case study is among the latest in a series of Diversity in Philanthropy Project (DPP) reports that examine how foundations can more effectively achieve excellence in various social, economic, and cultural investment arenas by expanding their focus on diversity and inclusivity.

by Steve

Brooklyn, NY - National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Rocco Landesman delivered a keynote address today to close the 2009 national Grantmakers in the Arts conference: Navigating the Art of Change.

In his remarks, Chairman Landesman laid out the guiding principle that will inform his work at the agency, which can be summed up in two words: "Art works." Chairman Landesman explained that he means this in three ways:

by Steve

2009, 102 pages, Common Core, 1016 16th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20036, (202) 223-1854 http://www.commoncore.org


   Why We're Behind: a Report by Common Core (3.6Mb)