GIA Reader (2000-present)

GIA Reader (2000-present)

by giarts-ts-admin

May 28, 2011

Today more than ever, states that want to be competitive need a policy agenda that supports and nurtures the creativity and economic productivity of their citizens. With his veto of funding for the Kansas Arts Commission, Governor Sam Brownback has now declared his opinion that Kansas is too poor for that. The real poverty expressed in this action is not of the pocketbook; state arts agencies yield excellent return on investment in jobs and tax revenues.

by giarts-ts-admin

“Small Righteous Angers” is an excerpt from Hiking the Horizontal: Field Notes from a Choreographer, copyright 2011 by Liz Lerman and reprinted by permission of Wesleyan University Press. All rights reserved.

by giarts-ts-admin
This article, reprinted from British quarterly Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, chronicles the multiple unintended effects of policy decisions at the NEA on the democratic arts movement. At the time of this publication we are seeing significant decreases in arts and cultural funding at the local and state level, and continuing movement toward the elimination of public arts funding agencies across the country.
by giarts-ts-admin
Maryo Gard Ewell worked for more than thirty years in arts administration. Her special field during most of that time was the symbiotic relationship between arts programs and community development. Since her retirement in 2003 from the Colorado Council on the Arts, she has worked as a consultant, conference organizer, and speaker in community and arts development. Ewell literally grew up in the community arts movement.