GIA Conference proceedings

GIA Conference proceedings

by Steve

Why do family foundations choose to give to the arts? In this session, leaders in family foundations told their stories about how they became passionate about the arts and committed to arts funding.


   Family Foundation: Where They Focus and Why (551Kb)

by Steve

From humble origins as peer groups or lending libraries, service organizations have grown to offer a huge range of support for individual artists, from career development grants and exhibition opportunities to tax advice and industry connections. Now some are going beyond direct service to artists by making efforts to advance their fields – developing new audiences, presenting a collective voice to policy-makers, and trying to define or redefine an art form's place in the world.


by Steve

Working in first-ring suburbs requires a method of thinking about arts that is more about broad-based, long-term partnerships than it is about artistic collaborations, in order to deal with the new urban/suburban structure. What kinds of partnerships can we do in the future?


   Arts in Suburban Communities (336Kb)

by Steve

Survey of Digital Opportunities for Arts Organizations and Artists
Panelists: Ted Berger, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA); Penny Dannenberg, NYFA; Eve Smith, Benton Foundation

The Digital Divide
Panelists: Cynthia Lopez, P. O. V.; David Bolt, Producer

Young Media Artists/Youth Culture
Panelists: Dan Bergin, Twin Cities Public TV; Alex Rivera, Artist Producer

A hands-on, multiple-track laboratory on the digital revolution and the arts offered in consultation with the National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture.

by Steve

October 16, 2000, 12:45 p.m.

Commerce and Art
Gail Silva, Executive Director, Film Arts Foundation
Ruby Lerner, President, Creative Capital

Viewing and Evaluating Circles
Robert Byrd, The Jerome Foundation
Alyce Myatt, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Youth Culture
Dan Bergin, Twin Cities Public Television
Alex Rivera, Artist Producer

Commerce and Art

by Steve

Many grantmakers have been awarding funds for years based on impressions about cities and suburbs that are no longer true. How do the realities concerning where today's arts activities and audiences are converging change how we think about grantmaking? How do we fund the arts in a changing geographic and demographic climate?

by Steve

Minnesota has a long history of arts-giving and is continuing this tradition. Community legends and leaders shared the stories of the long-standing commitment Minnesota individuals and organizations have made and are making to fund the arts.


   Arts-Giving in Minnesota (554Mb)

by Steve

William Ivey, National Endowment for the Arts chairman, addressed GIA members in this luncheon plenary.


   William Ivey Luncheon Plenary (196Kb)

by Steve

Ann Chamberlain is a visual artist resident here in San Francisco who has worked in a range of contexts. From public art to printed books and installations, using text, photographic imagery, and found materials as source material. And whose public arts commissions have included a number of outstanding installations including the San Francisco Public Library in a collaboration with Ann Hamilton; the San Francisco General Hospital; and the University of California San Francisco Mount Zion Cancer Center.

by Steve

Four diverse foundation leaders discussed the role of the arts as they considered the broader philanthropic landscape. What are some of the major trends and forces that are driving the future work of their foundations? Which arts funding strategies seem the most promising? And what can be done to better connect the work of artists and arts organizations to communities and the public at-large?
