GIA Conference proceedings

GIA Conference proceedings

by Steve

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Closing remarks by outgoing GIA president, Sarah Solotaroff, Chicago Community Trust, Wednesday, October 19, 2005.

by Steve

Download a MP3 file of this session. (5.8 MB)

Angie Kim, Flintridge Foundation and Claire Peeps, Durfee Foundation, 2005 Conference co-chairs.

A summary of GIA's 2005 activities as reported at the 2005 members meeting on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 in Pasadena California. Reports included Grantmakers in the Arts Membership, Finances, Web site Development, and Working Groups.

by Steve

Download a MP3 file of this keynote. PART 1 of 2 (7.7 MB)
Download a MP3 file of this keynote. PART 2 of 2 (6.1 MB)

Designed by Rebecca Luib, project manager, the Dana Foundation; presented by Michael Gazzaniga, Ph.D., director, Center of Cognitive Neuroscience, Dartmouth College and president, American Psychological Society, and Janet Eiber, the Dana Foundation.

by Steve

Van Jones is founder and executive director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights (EBC), a national organization that challenges the criminalization, incarceration, and abuse of low-income people, the young, and people of color.

EBC has pioneered methods of promoting the human rights agenda by serving as incubator for Freedom Fighter Music, a label that harnesses urban music and youth culture to tackle human rights issues, and partnering with urban media companies.

by Steve

Bill Ivey is the director of the Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy at Vanderbilt University, and director of the Center's Arts Industries Policy Forum. He is a senior fellow at the Center for Arts & Culture, and is chair of the federally-chartered National Recording Preservation Foundation, which is affiliated with the Library of Congress.