Steven Lawrence

Steven Lawrence

by Steve


pdf   Arts Funding at Twenty-Five (318Kb)


The easy convenience of typing a few key words into a search box and promptly being immersed in data can make one forget that this capability has existed for a remarkably short period of time. Just twenty-five years ago — a point in time well within the recollection of most members of the arts and culture sector — Stanley N. Katz, then president of the American Council of Learned Societies, observed, “the serious study of arts philanthropy is less than a generation old, and we are just beginning the sorts of data collection and analysis…we need to make sound judgments about the field.”1

by giarts-ts-admin

Beginning with this snapshot of arts funding, Foundation Center’s annual analyses of foundation arts and culture grantmaking will be based on our new Philanthropy Classification System. This system of coding and organizing foundation funding replaces the Grants Classification System, which was employed by Foundation Center for nearly a quarter century. It reflects an evolution in the way that giving for the arts and other fields is captured and represented.

by Abigail

2010, 13 pages, ISBN 978-1-59542-310-9. Foundation Center, 79 Fifth Ave, New York, NY, 10003, 800-424-9836,